First School of Special Education
The first special education school was the American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Dead and Dumb. The amount of children that attended this school was very limited, the whole enrollment of the school being 7 children. The school taught its students basic subjects along with the Bible. . -
The Council for Exceptional Children
This organization is dedicated to improving the academic excellence of our young generation with disabilities and/or gifts. This organization advocates for children with exceptionalities within the school system. This organization is instrumental within the special needs and special education community. https://exceptionalchildren.org/ -
Brown vs. Board of Education
The Brown vs. Board of Education case refers to five court cases that were heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. These cases are over the issue of segregation in within the public school system. Although the process did not happen over night, these cases would be the reason that all future public schools would be desegregated.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1siiQelPHbQ -
The Elementary and Secondary School Act
This Act was signed into law by the President Lyndon B. Johnson. This happened on April 11, 1965, and it was a part of the presidents "War on Poverty". This act has been the largest legislation run by the federal government that has affected special education by the US Congress. -
Education of the Handicapped Act
This law was passed as a revision of ESEA, continuing to provide equal opportunities in education for handicapped children including one free meal a day. This law prohibited handicapped children from being excluded from public schools. It encouraged state-run programs for individuals with disabilities as well as an educational plan with parent input. -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children sued the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a law that would allow public school districts to deny the education of children with disabilities. The judge deemed that no child eligible for a publicly supported education could be denied education. The exclusion of children with disabilities was deemed unlawful. -
Rehabilitation Act (Section 504)
This act ensures that individuals with disabilities are not discriminated against or excluded from any program that is receiving federal funds. Section 504 protects students with conditions and illnesses that are not covered by I.D.E.A. Section 504 also provides students with appropriate accommodations such as visual aids, enlarged prints, etc.. -
Individual with Dissabilities Act (IDEA)
The act that guaranteed children with disabilities are all subject to receive a free, appropriate, public education. Students, parents, educators, etc. are able to use both the information and research that this act has been able to provide on their website. This act also supports students with disabilities being taught in the least restrictive environment possible. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)
This act required public educational facilities accepting funds from the federal government to provide equal access to education to children with exceptionalities. This act also required at least one free meal a day for our youth with physical and/or mental disabilities. This act also supports students with disabilities being taught in the least restrictive environment possible. -
Amendments to IDEA
This amendment was with the hope that it would align with the "No Child Left Behind" legislation. This would mean having to align with its 6 main principles. These principles are zero reject, non-discriminatory evaluation, appropriate education, least restrictive environment, procedural due process and parent participation.