History of Special Education and Inclusive Education Timeline

  • CEC

    The CEC mission is to see make sure exceptional children get the best advance education through teaching individual about special education and by providing professional standards.
  • The Arc

    The Arc
    The Arc was created in 1950 by a group of individuals that wanted to provide protection to children who have special needs and their families. They make sure the federal government keeps the rights of special needs people through their public policies. Currently their is almost 700 groups all around the United States.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    In 1954, a group of students from four different states argued to the Supreme court that the segregation of white and black students was unequal and that the law should protect black students just as much as white students. They spoke about how it emotionally impacted them that they were treated differently just because of the color of their skin. The court ruled that segregation of schools will end and black and white students will have the same rights.
  • ESEA

    In 1965, Congress past the ESEA which dealt with underprivileged children having the same opportunity as privileged students. One of these things was that every child's basic needs were met. In 1966 Congress added a grant program to help states improve and add programs for special needs children.
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    The Rehabilitation Act was put to stop discrimination against children with special needs and provided grants to start different educational programs for them. It also made sure that special needs people were not discriminated against for example in the work place.

    The NJCLD was founded in 1975 by a group of individuals worried about the welfare of people with special needs. The NJCLD make sure to keep pushing people to research special needs education and how we can keep updating it. They want to make sure people with special needs gets the best education they can get.
  • NCLD

    The NCLD was founded in 1977 by Carrie and Pete Rozelle. Their mission is to help special needs people and their families by informing being and help provide equal educational opportunities for them. They make sure to get out there and educate people so they are more aware of the issues.

    The original act was called the All Handicapped Children Act which was signed back in 1975. Which was later changed to the IDEA in 1990 which has been updated to the IDEIA in 2004. This act was created to make sure every special needs child receives the best education through special education and other programs designed for special needs children.
  • NCLB

    The NCLB was signed by President Bush back in 2002. It added State Accountability Standards which was to be practice by all districts. These accountability standards were seen as a way to provide each child with a successful education by providing different standards that teachers had to teach their students. At the end of the years each child would be tested on each standard the teacher was supposed to teach throughout the year.
  • ESSA

    In late 2015, President Obama signed the ESSA which was a replacement of the NCLB. Even though it had many similarities to the NCLB, it added even more options for schools when it came to children who showed low performance. It also gave the power from the Federal Government to the State Government to watch over the programs.