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History of Special Education and Inclusive Education Timeline

  • American School for the Deaf

    American School for the Deaf
    American School for the Deaf was the first and oldest establish school for for students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. It was also the first school in the Western Hemisphere specifically dedicated to students with disabilities. The school was federally funded, as well.
  • Cuyahoga Council for Retarted Citizens

    Cuyahoga Council for Retarted Citizens
    A group of parents between New York and New Jersey founded this group in order to support one other and their children with special needs who had been excluded from the public school system. This sparked a chain reaction as others groups of parents in others states began to do the same thing. As a result, they were able to aid in the creation of special education classrooms.
  • Classification of Autism

    Classification of Autism
    A man by the name Leo Kanner was the first to publish a base description for "early infantile autism". His findings concluded that it was a neurodevelopmental disorder. He says in his publishing, "these children have come into the world with an innate inability to form the usual, biologically provided contact with people".
  • Brown vs. Board Of Education

    Brown vs. Board Of Education
    This court case ensured that students could not be denied an equal education based of of the color of their skin. The court used the 14th Amendment for additional support in this case. Although this didn't directly pertain to students with disabilities, it did provide them with some support for arguing against excluding students with disabilities.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act was to provide more equal opportunities for underprivileged students. About a year later, they would start a grant program to help states with the "initiation, expansion and improvement of programs and projects... for the education of handicapped children." Just a few years later, a new act was passed in hopes that states would take advantage of it in order to create more educational programs for disabled students.
  • First Center for Independent Living Opens

    First Center for Independent Living Opens
    The Center for Independent Living was created by activists supporting those with disabilities. It was originally created to model and support those with disabilities. It was also run by those with disabilities.
  • Least Restrictive Environment

    Least Restrictive Environment
    LRE falls under "IDEA" (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). The purpose of LRE is for students with disabilities to spend as much time as possible with in the classroom with those students who do not have disabilities. It states that the only reason a student should be placed in this environment is if the disability is so server that no other services can be provided.
  • Board of Ed. Of HHCD V. Rowley

    Board of Ed. Of HHCD V. Rowley
    This case made it mandatory that schools take the "Rowley Two-Part Test" in order to ensure that FEAP is being met for every students individual IEP's. In this test, they make sure that the shcool is following the IDEA guidelines. If both questions are answered correctly, then they have met the IDEA and FEAP standards.
  • IDEA

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was finally signed into law by George W. Bush. Within it were the 6 pillars: IEP, LRE, FEAP, Evaluation, Parent and Student Participation, and Procedural Safeguards from Participants. The overall goal was to provide students with disabilities the same opportunities as those students without disabilities.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This Act was also signed into law by George W. Bush. The goal of this act was to ensure that all students were proficient in both math and reading. This system ran on standardized testing.