History of Special Education and Inclusive Education Timeline

  • Research on Exceptional Children

    Research on Exceptional Children
    The University of Illinois was the first institution to begin focusing on the field of special education. This was a big step in the right direction to realize that every student is different and has different needs. It was very important for exceptional education research to begin somewhere!
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    This law to avoid racial discrimination at all costs, led to advancements and changes in the special education system. This law promoted the essential environment for all students, which led to the introduction of the Least Restrictive Environment in special education. This case was very important to the future of students with exceptionalities.
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    This law prohibits discrimination against those with exceptionalities. This would come into play when later, laws were developed that focused on educational settings. This was an important step in the timeline of special education.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    The EAHCA provided a free education to students with physical or mental disabilities. This act also required schools to not deny any special education student of an education at their school. Students would also receive one free meal a day at school.
  • Advocating Change Together

    Advocating Change Together
    ACT is an organization that was developed to empower people with disabilities. The organization aims to strive for change and advancements in the field of exceptionalities. There are many events that people can participate in to raise awareness for this great cause. https://www.selfadvocacy.org/
  • Roncker vs. Walter

    Roncker vs. Walter
    This case started as a disagreement between school staff and parents deciding on where the Least Restrictive Environment would be for the student. The plunge deeper into LRE began after this court case was ruled, and the student was better fit for a special education classroom. This case was important in understanding that LRE's are different for every student.
  • Honig vs. Doe

    Honig vs. Doe
    This case determined that students could not be expelled for their behaviors - which stemmed from their disability. This was a huge benefit for students with exceptionalities, as it is very difficult to control actions depending on the severity of the disability. Schools are still given the right to temporarily suspend the student - if actions become bad enough to harm the student or others.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    This law prohibits any discrimination based on disability. This includes education, and educational resources for students with exceptionalities. The law was established by the government and is still upheld to this day.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    This law provided a free appropriate education to all students with exceptionalities. The education was to be designed to suit the students needs. The law also provides the student with their Least Restrictive Environment, in order for them to excel in the classroom.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This law was essential in providing all students with the means to succeed. If a student was not showing improvement, the school would face consequences - as they were not helping the student to achieve. The law has been very important to make sure that all students with exceptionalities are yielding positive results in and out of the classroom.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    This Law replaced the No Child Left Behind act and brought forth improvements to the law. The law was implemented by President Obama and changed the law so that districts were able to have more say in their educational procedures. The ESSA is to ensure that every student is progressing in the classroom, and is benefiting from what is being taught. Link text