History of Special Education and Inclusive education

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Ruled by supreme courts that segregation of schools are unconstitutional and would end the separation in schools.Which overturned the " Separate but Equal " ruling in Plesy v Ferguson.
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    Elementary and Secondary education Act of 1965

    The act was signed by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965 which allowed equal education funding for all students, also for primary and secondary education. In other words giving low income families better quality education.
  • PARC v. Common wealth of Pennsylvania

    PARC v. Common wealth of Pennsylvania
    It was ruled it in favor of students with disabilities deserve and shall receive the same education all other students receive, and could not deny the educational rights to students non matter the disability.
  • Mills v. Board of education of DOC

    Mills v. Board of education of DOC
    Mills v. Board of education of District of Colombia declared that students with disabilities are entitled to education and schools can not turned down the education because of the added cost of the accommodations for the students in need.

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act or the "mainstreaming" law, requires states to extend students ages 5-18 free appropriate public education with disabilities.It is also the first LRE and IEP's are set in place.
  • HCPA

    Handicap Children Protection Act states that a children who are disabled are to receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). It also offers early intervention to younger children.
  • Honig v.Doe

    In the ruling of this case it was established that no student is to be expelled based off behavior caused by their disability. I believe this is rightly fair, a student with a disability can not control themselves most of the time and they should not have their education stopped on uncontrollable terms.
  • ADA Act

    ADA Act
    This prevented any discrimination against anyone with disabilities in a work place or any public place. This act also added more support to all previous advancements made for special education. The ADA serves as a backbone for any law or act in rearguards to special education.
  • IDEA Act

    IDEA Act
    Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) allowed the same transitioning services to students with disabilities and gave them access to same curriculums, which also allowed student with disabilities to be placed in LRE's.

    This allows RTI's to be set into place for students to work at their appropriate grade level and removes short-term objectives in IEP's for students who do not take achievement assessments. Lastly it determines a specific learning disability.