History of Special Education and Inclusive Education

  • American School for the Deaf

    American School for the Deaf
    Dr. Gallaudet returned from Europe to go to the United States of America and started a school for students that are deaf. They had brought along instructors like Clerc to start a Hartford, Connecticut, school. He saw the potential of individuals that are deaf and that they are more than their disability and have the potential just like anyone else with the ability to hear.
  • Council for Exceptional Children

    Council for Exceptional Children
    The council has created members to attend discussing ways to help students with disability within a school setting. The goals were to unite the interest in educational problems regarding children with special needs to identify professional standards for teachers in understanding the field of special education. The group has grown to 400 members around the United States of America and has seen educators working together to build and collaborate ways to help students in a classroom.
  • Elementary/Secondary Ed Act

    Elementary/Secondary Ed Act
    President Lyndon B. Johnson passed a law in the United States of America that includes the title to funding programs for children with low-income properties and providing them with education supplies ignored to teach in a proper school setting. Based on this bill statute allows family members to have access to public education, even those students with disabilities, to have amendments to help the educational programs in developing better access to education of fundamentals.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    Vocational Rehabilitation Act
    that students with disabilities have the number of equal rights as other students in the educational amendment act. The purpose of the declaration is to have a sanctuary base for the rehabilitation services administration to develop and implement comprehensive and continuous state plans to ensure the future needs of students with physical and mental disabilities.
    VRA Video
  • Ed of Handicapped Children Act

    Ed of Handicapped Children Act
    The education congress providing the 14th amendment that states “no state shall deny any person with equal protection of the law,” has accepted federal funds and provides education for students with physical and mental disabilities. It ensured the parents had a legal say in the children’s education rights. Students with disabilities have a fair appropriate establish in managing educational system and providing students with disability with an IEP
  • Education of Handicapped Act

    Education of Handicapped Act
    This law was established in 1986 includes programs with preschool special education and related services that therapists such as occupational therapists have inventions service for infants and toddlers The program is free and appropriate education for students with disabilities from ages 3 to 5 years old and early intervention programs for children with disabilities. The inverse budget re-consultation act of 1986 separates OT coverage with Medicare part B benefits and private practitioners.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    • During the civil rights protection of the person with disabilities in employment, public services, public accommodations, and transportation, congress passed the event within the general law of oriented found in title 47 of the United States code. The law prohibits children and adults with disabilities and has the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. The law provides a clear and comprehensive national mandate to eliminate discrimination against individuals with a disability.
  • IDEA Act

    IDEA Act
    • The IDA is a federal law that supports special education in related programs for students and youth with disability. The Federal legislation is designed to ensure that students with disability receive special education-related services addressing their individual needs. Children with disabilities will be employed and have independent living circumstances and assist efforts institutions in helping students and adults with disability.
  • New IDEA Act

    New IDEA Act
    Accommodates extended special education services for the student to understand a classroom setting.The law was designed for all students to receive appropriate public education and the public expenses to no cost to parents a child with a disability provides programming in supplementing aids and services towards the child. The special education instructs to meet unique needs of children with disability and assist in school systems obligate and identifying using the IEP.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The federal law aims to improve public primary and secondary school systems for students' performance to increase accountability for schools and school districts in states. The law includes benefits for students with a Learning disability, and the state seeks to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged students and close achievement gaps between various students with learning disabilities by imposing new requirements for standards, assessments, accountability, and parental involvement.