History of Special Education and Inclusion Education Timeline

  • ESEA

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act helps students who are exceptional have the opportunity to higher education. This also helps students who are low-income and ensures they have all benefits available. Moreover, the Act is for children who need more support from their school for their education and activities.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    Vocational Rehabilitation Act
    The Vocational Rehabilitation Act provides students grants for states and provides assistance for those with disabilities. The Act also provides counseling, education and work adjustment. Therefore, the Act restrains discrimination with students who are exceptional learners.

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) is an Act that was founded in 1975. The Act allowed parents of children with disabilities to be involved of their child's curriculum and activities in school. This also required schools to make similar education as to those students who don't have a disability. Therefore, this Act is known as "Mainstreaming Law" and required each students education to be individualized (IEP). https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/94/s6
  • Education of Hanicapped

    Education of Hanicapped
    Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments has created a superior services for students and families needs. From birth-five years of age, children are to have free and appropriate education. Also, the Act was originally passed on 1975. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj2dBLi7zvQ
  • ADA

    Americans with Disabilities Act provides each person with a disability the equal right to public service, transportation and more. This civil law prohibits discrimination on disabilities. It protects in regards discrimination as in, race, religion, gender, and origin.
  • IDEA

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) deals with the education of students who are exceptional learners and makes sure they receive "Free Appropriate Public Education." This act required teachers to become a member of the "IEP team." This Act lets students obtain general education in that specific curriculum. They have the opportunity to the same education and has required students to do assessments both statewide and districtwide.

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, requires for all students with disabilities must have access to free appropriate education. The disabilities include; autism, orthopedic impairment, emotional disturbance, visual and hearing impairment, def-blindness, etc. Moreover, this Act also allows the school district to use "RTI" response-to-intervention to determine the students learning disability.