The "Wild Boy of Aveyron". Tutored by Itard. Introduced the notion that even children with significant needs could benefit from instruction and were worthy of attention. -
Connecticut Asylum
Located in Hartford, CT, The Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons opens. -
Perkins Institution for the Blind
Opened by Samuel Gridley Howe -
Braille code is published. -
Experimental school for feebleminded youth
Opened by Howe. -
American Printing House for the Blind is established.
National Deaf Mute College
Established in 1864, later renamed Gallaudet University -
Developed a physiological method for children with special needs to teach them to be productive members of society. -
First special education class in a public school
Located in Cleveland, OH. Was disbanded soon after. -
Formal training for blind persons
Begins at Columbia University. -
Term "Special Education" is coined.
Introduced by Alexander Graham Bell. -
College-level training for teachers begins.
Teachers are trained at a college-level for students with intellectual disabilities. -
Intelligence Test
Basis for modern IQ testing. Published by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. -
Segregated Classes
Segregated classes in public schools are established. -
Term "Emotional Disturbance" comes into use.
Term "Mentally Retarded" is introduced and "Gifted" occurs in the professional literature.
Council for Exceptional Children founded.
Autism Characteristics Identified
Identified in children by Leo Kanner. -
Asperger syndrome characteristics identified
Identified by Dr. Hans Asperger, only later identified as "Asperger syndrome" characteristics. -
Willowbrook State School opens in New York
Facility for children with intellectual disabilities. Closed in 1987 for horrible conditions. -
Brown v. Board of Education
Term "Learning Disabilities" introduced.
Coined by Samuel A. Kirk. -
Christmas in Purgatory
Published by B. Blatt and F. Kaplan. Expose of life for those with intellectual disabilities in institutions. Led to many law and policy changes. -
Title IV added to ESEA of 1965
Congress funded; to disseminate best practices of special education. -
Mills v. BOE
Ordered the district to educate all students and implemented specific procedures to determine if a child was to receive special services. -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Guarantee that education meant tailoring to students' needs and that children were entitled to free public education. -
1974 EAHCA amendments enacted
ADA is enacted
EAHCA is amended and renamed
Renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). -
IDEA is amended
Provisions related to transition services, participation by general education teachers, and discipline are added. -
No Child Left Behind Act
All students are to be held to high standards. -
No Child Left Behind Act increases accountability and quality of educators
Reauthorization of IDEA
Raises standards for quality instruction. -
Rosa's Law
Signed by Obama. Changed federal language from "mental retardation" to "intellectual disability".