History of Special Education

  • P.A.R.C v Pennsylvania

    P.A.R.C v Pennsylvania
    The state argued that children with disabilities can be barred from public schools if they have been deemed untrainable or have not reached a mental age of 5. The Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children cited the Brown v. Board legislation stating that the children's rights were violated under the equal protection clause.

    The court ruled in favor of PARC stating that it is the states duty to give these children free access to resources.
  • Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia
    Mills argued that the district had an obligation to provide public education to students with behavioral, mental, and emotional disabilities, not just developmental. The district argued they could not provide services due to lack of funding. The court ruled in favor of Mills stating that no child may be denied access to school due to funding. If funding is an issue, then schools must use any leftover funds to accommodate children to the best of their ability.
  • Timothy W. v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District

    Timothy W. v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District
    Timothy W. appealed an order from his school district stating that his severity of handicap prevented him from benefitting from special education in schools. Therefore, the district stated they will not provide extra resources to support his education. Timothy argued that under the Education for All Handicapped Children Act he was entitled to an education and all accommodations necessary should be provided.

  • Americans With Disabilities Act

    ADA or the Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal law that protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination in all public spaces. These spaces include schools, jobs, transportation services and other places open to the general public. It provides equal access and opportunities for all people with disabilities. This act has aided students with disabilities as it further protects their rights to a public education.
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act

    Ensures public schools meet the individualized needs of any. And all students with disabilities. This law requires schools to provide appropriate accommodations and education follows each child’s IEP, Individualized Education Program. It also requires schools provide a free and appropriate education within the least restrictive environment. This means that each child with disabilities is guaranteed an ability appropriate education in and environment best fir to serve their needs in school.