
History of Special Education

  • Cuyahoga Council for Retarded Children

    Cuyahoga Council for Retarded Children
    This is group that was founded and established in Ohio. The purpose of this group were to provide services to those children that were being excluded from the public schools, due to their disability.
  • The Arc - A Leader in Disability Right

    The Arc - A Leader in Disability Right
    The Arc is the largest national based community organization that is advocating for people that have an intellectual and developmental disabilities. This organization was formally known as the National Association for Retarded Citizen. This organization believes that these individuals are not defined by their disabilities but they are defined by their own abilities and their will power to succeed.
  • Brown v.s. Board of Education of Topeka

    Brown v.s. Board of Education of Topeka
    Brown v.s Board of Education is a Supreme Court decision to allow an equal opportunity for everyone to obtain an education without any segregation by race. The argument during this case was the fact that the school system for African Americans and Caucasians were unequal and was a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
    This is an initiative for low income families, that applies to children who are in need of support to benefit the public school education. After the act was signed into law, the effects would carry on for five fiscal years and would be reauthorized for every five years. For every time it has been reauthorize, there would be new revisions and amendments added.
  • Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act
    This law mandated schools to make all programs accessible for all students with disabilities. Allowing schools that receive federal funding to give free, appropriate education (FAPE) to all students that meet the requirements. Described handicapped person and suitable education, forbids judgement in federally funded programs.
  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the integrity and gives the students privacy to their academic records. The family of the respected child is the only one that can has access to the academic records of their child. Parents are also able to correct information that may not be accurate about their child to the school faculty.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act provided children with disabilities nondiscriminatory evaluations and testing. This law required all public schools that were being federally funded to provide equal accessibility to education to all students. Handicapped children were ensured one free meal each school day.
  • American with Disabilities Act

    American with Disabilities Act
    The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination in private sectors against people with disabilities. This allows individuals with disabilities to have equal opportunities in employment, transportation, and public accommodations. This law allows accessibility and accommodations for those individuals that have "mobility, health, or visual impairments"
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    This act signed by President Bill Clinton, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) allows students with disabilities to obtain services even if they have been expelled. It requires availability to general education curriculum and state wide or district wide testing. This would also allow children with disabilities to be in the same classroom environment as children that do not have disabilities.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left Behind Act increases accountability and give in use of federal funds, offers school choice possibilities, implements early reading involvement. This law ensures that all students are able to attain a fair opportunity to obtain a higher quality in education. This focuses on subject areas like science, mathematics, reading and language arts.