History of Special Education

  • First School for the Deaf

    First School for the Deaf
    This school was implemented by Thomas Gallaudet in partnership with deaf french instructor Laurent Clerc. The school was first called the American Asylum for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. It opened in Hartford, Connecticut and Alice Cogswell was the first registered student.
  • National Association for Retarded Children

    National Association for Retarded Children
    This association was founded by the parents of children with mental disabilities. It led the way for the idea of public law 94-14. Which allowed every mentally retarded child to have the right to education, ensuring it would be fit to every child's needs.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The Supreme Court ruled that African American children had the right to equal education and that segregated schools were not allowed when it came to the field of public education. This decision prompted parents of children with disabilities to bring on lawsuits for segregation and exclusion against their children. The parents argued that this was discrimination against their children because of the disabilities they had.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act was passed to address inequality in education when it came to children that were underprivileged. It provided help to ensure that any student with a disadvantage had access to good education. Scholarships, grants, and fundings were offered to improve the quality of education.
  • Congressional Investigation

    Congressional Investigation
    An investigation was launched by Congress looking into the standing of children with disabilities. This investigation found that millions of children were not receiving an appropriate education. Due to this investigation it was established in law that all handicapped children had the right to education.
  • Mills vs. District of Columbia Board of Education

    Mills vs. District of Columbia Board of Education
    This lawsuit was brought to the court on behalf of seven children who were denied public education by the District of Columbia School District because of their disabilities. This became one of the first cases in the US that granted the right of students with any disability to a public education. It opened the door that allowed students with disabilities to receive good education regardless of the cost.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    Congress passed this act ensuring all children with disabilities have the right to education. This act also established a process where both local and State educational agencies are held accountable for making sure that all handicapped children are provided education and educational services. This became the first legislation that focused only on education of all children with disabilities.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    This act was signed by President George W. Bush. Enforced civil rights protection in the work environment, public transportation, and telecommunications for people with disabilities. The purpose of this act was to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    This act was reauthorized by President Clinton. It allowed all students with disabilities to have access to free appropriate public education. It also assured that these students are given the proper services needed.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Created a significant increase in the role of the federal government to hold schools responsible for providing quality education for every child. Required states to make sure all teachers are highly qualified in the subject that they are teaching. Specifically focused on groups of students in special education among others.