History of Special Education

By lconlin
  • American School for the Deaf

    This was the first school for the disabled, founded in Connecticut. I found this one important for my timeline because I felt that this was how special education students got to be supported first.
  • Law Mandating Compulsory Education

    This was a law passed in Rhode Island that mandated children are to receive education and the government is to provide that education. This isn't directly specific to special education but I choose it because I felt that it gave students to finally get the education they need.
  • Columbia Institution

    This was the first college in the world for those students with disabilities. I found this to be a big development in special education to allow those with disabilities to continue their education further.
  • Council for Exceptional Children

    This was the first advocacy groups and one of the largest for children with disabilities. It was to ensure that children received free appropriate public education. I choose this one for obvious reasons, this was where children with disabilities were given the chance to receive proper education.
  • Classification of Autism

    Dr. Leo made a classification of Autism at John Hopkins University. I picked this as part of my timeline because I felt that with this classification we can understand our students better and what they may need as a student with Autism.
  • National Association for Retarded Citizens

    This was another advocacy group for students with disabilities. It was created to make sure that the judicial process was followed and helped with litigation. I choose this one because it played a part in making sure that all the laws were being followed when it came to the education of students with disabilities.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    This was a court case that wanted students to be in publicly funded schools that offer the students the education they need. This court case was important in offering students with disabilities the education that fits their educational needs. It is a big part of the educational changes for students with disabilities.
  • Section 504

    This law was considered the first law to protect students with disabilities. This law protects from discrimination of special needs and disabilities. I felt that this one is major in the education system as it is keeping children from not being able to do something or learn the same as those that don't have a disabilities.
  • Least Restrictive Environment

    This is where students who may have IEPs are required to spend as much time as possible in regular classrooms to ensure social needs are being met. This one is so important to help students feel included with the kids who are in their class. Although a student may need an aid, they still need those social experiences with their peers.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    This was a law that was signed by President Bush to ensure that those with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else, this includes work and school. This one helps those who may not been able to get a job because of a disability to be able to start working and people cannot discriminate against them.
  • IDEA

    This is a law that takes into consideration many different aspects of special education and makes sure people are following the laws and policies that go into them. I think this is important to have to ensure that teachers and schools are following the necessary requirements for students with disabilities.