History of Special Education

By LBoyes
  • The First American Residential School for Students who were deaf was Created

    The First American Residential School for Students who were deaf was Created
    Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet founded and created the American School of the Deaf.
  • Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard

    Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard
    Was a French physician who advocated for education for students who were deaf. Most historians traced the beginning of special education to the physician.
  • The First Residential School for the Blind was Created

    The First Residential School for the Blind was Created
    Samuel Gridley Howe created a school for students who were visually impaired that had curriculum focused on both traditional school instruction and individual interests of the student.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This Supreme Court case allowed for all children of different races to attend the same school and gain an equal education amongst each other.
  • PARC v. Pennsylvania

    PARC v. Pennsylvania
    This lawsuit made the foundation of the PL 94-142, stating that all children even with special accommodations receive an equal education.
  • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

    Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
    This Act was established to protect the rights of the family and students by placing a privacy on their student's records.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    In 1975, a federal law was created to ensure all children that had exceptionalities had a chance for an education.
  • Rowley vs. Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson

    Rowley vs. Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson
    The first interpretation of the PL 94-142 Act (IDEA) was interpreted to be that appropriate education for a deaf child with a disability doesn't mean that education will be maximally achieved.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    IDEA was established from the previously known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act to create an equal opportunity for students to receive education.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
    This was a landmark federal law that ensured all Americans with disabilities to a treament and gain a protection of equal rights in the workplace/public/transportation areas.
  • IDEA Authorization

    IDEA Authorization
    IDEA now includes students with disabilities in the assessment process.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    President George W. Bush created this Law that included special education, to improve the academic performance of all students.
  • Learn the Signs, Act Early

    Learn the Signs, Act Early
    The CDC, implemented the "Learn the Signs, Act Early" Program as a way to prevent treatable disabilities from progressing by identifying it early on. This Program was a way to track different milestones their kid should be reaching at a certain age and identify early on if the child has a disability of any sort.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
    In 2004, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act was reauthorized to ensure all youths with special accommodations to have a right to a free and appropriate education in the public school system. Also, allowed for Individualized Education Programs for each child to begin.