Plan International
This is an organization who’s goal is to provide for those in need. “They work in more than 50 countries around the world to make a lasting impact on the lives of children, families, and communities.” They want to empower the youth, drive change and support the progression of children by eliminating discrimination and exclusion so that every child can be successful. This organization works with children and communities to ensure that everyone gets an equal opportunity at an education. -
Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA)
“Is a National non-profit organization of parents, professionals and persons with learning disabilities, concerned about the welfare of individuals with learning disabilities” with a mission to create opportunities for al individuals. They’re an organization that currently supports IDEA and believes that full inclusion would violate IDEA and it would eliminate the individualization students with special needs may need. LDA Awareness -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
This is a federal law that entitles public education for disabled children. This law does not force schools to place students into the general ed. classrooms but provide what these students may need to be successful in such an environment. Although this law does support the idea of inclusion. This law favors student with disabilities to be placed in such a regular/general education environment because it establishes that the majority of the success comes from students being in such environment. -
Atlantis Academies
Atlantis Academy was built for students with special needs, learning difficulties or differences. These schools are located mainly in the South Florida area and provide all children with special needs an education from grades K-12. This school has scholarship programs, therapy clinics and a L.I.F.E program for young adults older than 18 years of age. -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
This is a law that seeks to end discrimination based on disabilities. This law is very important because it guarantees equal opportunity for those with disabilities. This law advocated equal treatment and states that there should be no public discrimination in public places such as libraries, private schools, and day care centers. Meaning everyone was to be treated as equals and were to be included in every day need such as school and work. -
lift Education Academy
Is a school that was built with the idea that no parent should see their child left to fail. It has a neuroplasticity-based program, individually designed and built for each child, to stimulate and strengthen key areas of cognitive deficit to expand the ability to learn and process information. They currently have 3 locations through South Florida and they focus on kids with ADHD, dyslexia, reading, math, and processing disorders. lift -
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
The basis of this act is to give every child an equal opportunity to be academically successful. This includes those children who may be underprivileged or have learning disabilities. The NCLB act of 2001 sets out to even the playing field and improve educational opportunity for such students. It does so by requiring state assessments to be valid/accessible for a wider range of students. -
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) change of December 2, 2011
The FERPA is a Federal Law established in 1974 that instated requirements for any release of students educational records. Meaning all schools that receive federal funding must protect students private information and allow students to view such information. Then, as of December of 2011, FERPA defined “education program” as one that includes special education. This meant that now students with special needs were officially protected by FERPA. -
Exceptional Student Education Law
This Florida law allows a family/child to have their private certified analyst or specialist observe, collaborate, and serve your child at school. The law does not relieve the schools of its obligations to provide such specialist but allows collaboration between schools and who/what families might think is best for their child. This law also allows exemption from specific tests that measure disability and not ability. -
U.S department of eduction Awards 4.8 Million in grants
They announced that they would award more than $4.8 million in grants to improve the outcomes for children with disabilities. $1.2 million are to improve literacy and $3.6 million to enhance results for infants with youth disabilities. The goal is to promote the development through the use of technology.