Soviet Union VS United States
The Soviet Union was the greatest rival to the United States of America because of politicas, military power, and exploring space. There were such high tensions that the people thought that they were going to began "Cold War." -
Don't Fall Behind
It all began in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched the satellite Sputnik1 into orbit. Then the United States started to speed up their space program so they can discove more about space than the Soviet Union. -
United States Come Back
Then the United States had enough experience to launch their own satellite explorer, and they called it Explorer1. -
First American in Space
The Soviets launched the first human into space. His name was Yuri Gagarin, he orbite Earth once in the capsal, Vostok1. Then less than a mouth later the United States sent Alan Shepard, the first American into space, but he did not orbit Earth. He was a part of the Mercury space program. His capsal was called Freedom7. -
First American to Orbit Earth
The first American to orbit the Earth was Jhon Glenn he was launched in the space capsal Friendship7 in the year 1962. The tiny capsal, Friendship7, orbited Earth 3 times. -
International Space Station
In the year 1980, the United States and 15 other countrys started the construction of the International Space Station, ISS for short. -
First Model of ISS Space Station
The first model of ISS or the space station, went into orbit in the year 1998. Since that year they have created other models, and they have been added too. -
European Space Agency
The European Space Agency launched an unpiloted spacecraft to orbit the noon. The reason why the Europeans launched the spacecraft because they wanted to collect data for a detailed lunar map. -
Colony of People on the Moon
In the year 2004, the United States announced that there will be a permanent colony of people on the moom, but before they arrive on the moon they will need to bring food, water, and other supplies from Earth to set up their base. -
First Man on the Moon
In July 1969, 3 astronauts circled the moon. Once the were in orbit, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aidin entered a tiny space capsal called Eagle. Then on July 20 the Eagle landed on a flat area on the moons surface which was called Sea of Tranquility. When Neil Armstrong radied to NASA, that the Eagle had landed on the moon everyone in the NASA space center, located in Houston Texas, cheered. The a few hours later Armstrong and Aidin left the Eagle and left their foot prints on the moon.