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History of Social Media (1900-2000)

  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Alan Turing developed the idea of a machine which compute anything computable. The “Turing Machine” is what modern computers are based on.
  • First Electronic Digital Computer

    First Electronic Digital Computer
    J.V. Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry create a computer which can solve 29 equations at the same time. First computer to store data.
  • First Commercial Computer Created

    First Commercial Computer Created
    Mauchly and Eckert left the University of Pennsylvania and obtained funding to create the first computer which could be used for businesses and the government.
  • First Computer Language Created

    First Computer Language Created
    Grace Hopper creates the first computer code which transforms the wall of numbers into English. There are still remnants of this code today.
  • First Prototype of Modern Computers

    Douglas Engelbart created the first prototype of the modern computer. This included the first mouse. This also starts to evolution for commercial computers.
  • Floppy Disks Created

    Floppy Disks Created
    Alan Shugart creates floppy disks which allows data to be taken from computer to computer.
  • First Apple Computer

    First Apple Computer
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak create the first computer with one circuit board. Before computers would take up large spaces.
  • CD ROM Created

    CD ROM Created
    The CD ROM could hold 550 megabytes of information which is incredibly low in today’s standards.
  • WiFi

    WiFi becomes part of the computing language as it becomes more wide spread.