
History of Social media

  • Social media in the 1700's

    Social media in the 1700's
    The earliest social media is known as the postal service or writing a letter a slow form of communication that allowed us to send messages to one another. In 1792 the telegraph was invented this allowed messages to be delivered fast and effectively from long distances. This was a great way to convey news and information.
  • We now have the telephone and Radio 1800's

    We now have the telephone and Radio 1800's
    The telephone was invented in 1890 and the radio in 1891, these technologies were seen as a huge advancement because of how quickly and simultaneously people could communicate to one another sharing news and other important information. We still use these forms of social media today but in a much more advanced way.
  • 1940's brings us the birth of computers

    1940's brings us the birth of computers
    In the early 1900's we are gifted with an advanced technology that allows to really crack open the idea what a true social media is and how we can communicate via computer.
  • 1960's God gives us the internet

    1960's God gives us the internet
    In the early 1960's we are given the internet and all of its power, the first forms of the internet like comp serve were the lowest forms of email. During the 1970's it was made possible to communicate through a virtual newsletter.
  • 1980's Social meda does exist the way we see it today

    1980's Social meda does exist the way we see it today
    In the 1980's having a computer in your home became more and more common. Internet chat forums were created and continued to be popular into the 1990's. Then we get our first recognizable social media " six degrees" (created in 1997). This media allowed you to create a profile and have friends.1999 blogging became more popular.
  • 2000's IT'S ALIVE

    2000's IT'S ALIVE
    After the popularity of blogging social media blew up. In the 2000's sites like Myspace and LinkedIn were created and became extremely popular, thus social media like we are used to today is born.
  • 2000's

    Along with Myspace and LinkedIn photo sharing sites emerged like photo bucket and Flickr, these forms of social media allow you to share pictures with friends and family.
  • 2005 The creation of YouTube

    2005 The creation of YouTube
    YouTube gives us an entire new way to communicate, created in 2005 allowing communication via video. YouTube allows users to upload videos and create a profile for themselves or "channel" this platform allows users to create videos singing, dancing, talking, and more. This social media is still extremely popular to this day.
  • 2006 Facebook

    2006 Facebook
    A site more popular to our parents in 2018 but, Facebook was a huge advancement in social media. In 2006 only the cool kids had Facebook and 1,000 of there closest "friends". Facebook allows you to post status updates about things going on in your life, different from other social media's it allows you to have a very detailed profile telling where you went to school as well as you interest like movies, books, food, and many other unique features.
  • Also 2006.....

    Also 2006.....
    What is a tweet? At first know one knew exactly what it meant or why the default profile picture was an egg but the logo for twitter is a bird. Twitter was also a step up in relative social media, many celebrities have a twitter profile to express there views on politics or world issues as well as to talk about things happening in our lives just the us as everyday people. Twitter allows you to post photos and "status updates" with limited characters about what ever you choose.
  • 2009 Pin your interest

    2009 Pin your interest
    In 2009 the social media world gives us Pinterest, this is more tailored to things you want to see or have interest in. Pinterest allows you to search any topic or category for example "nails" if you want ideas on how to get your nails done. A number of images show up giving you ideas. Then you can pin them and create a "board" basically like a file that you can save all of your ideas on.
  • 2010 Finsta or Insta

    2010 Finsta or Insta
    In 2010 a free mobile app launches called Instagram, this app when first created was made specifically for photos but as the app grew it became more like others and allowed for videos to be posted within a certain time length. Like most social medias Instagram makes you create a profile and add friends to receive "likes or hearts" on your pictures. In 2012 Instagram became extremely popular with over 100 million active users.
  • 2011 Snap me back

    2011 Snap me back
    In 2011 an app called Picaboo was launched and later renamed snap chat. Snap chat allows users to communicate via picture or video but the catch is the picture or video only last for 10 seconds before it goes away completely. There is also a feature called a "story" a story is basically a video or picture that is posted to your personal profile for 24 hours, only your friends can view this photo or video.
  • 2011 VSCO

    2011 VSCO
    VSCO launched in 2011 but just recently started gaining popularity. VSCO allows you to express creativity freely. VSCO allows you to post what ever you want and there is no pressure of "getting likes" because VSCO does not have an option like many other social media platforms or for it to be okay to post more than one picture in a day because there are also no dates labeled on the photos. VSCO allows you to follow people and check out their creativity.
  • 2016 Who wants to work?

    2016 Who wants to work?
    In 2016 social media got smart and gave an alternative for paper scheduling for employees. Employers now have the option to make work schedules digital. This is the app my work also uses. This app allows you to see your shifts as well as who else is working that day and what your position will be. The app also has a request time off options and availability change option, this is an important milestone for the working industry, the app also let's you communicate with your co-workers.
  • Bring on 2018, whats next?

    Bring on 2018, whats next?
    The real question is with all of the different types of social media, what could possibly be next? It is exciting to see how technology keeps advancing and how the world always keeps us on our toes, lets see what social media has in store for us in 2018, how many social media accounts do you have?