History of Secondary Schools in the US

By T Hop
  • Benjamin Franklin Founded the Academy

    This school was considered more practical than the Latin Grammar Schools since it focused more on subjects that could be directly related to the students' adult lives.
  • First Free Public High School

    The first free taxpayer-supported public high school in North America, the Boston English
  • National Education association - First Teachers’ Union

    One 43 educators answered a national call to unite as one voice in the cause of public education. At the time, learning to read and write was a luxury for most children—and a crime for many Black children. http://www.nea.org/home/11608.htm
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Legalized the practices of “separate but equal”. But institutions, including schools, that are designated for blacks are far inferior to those for whites. http://teachersinstitute.yale.edu/pubs/A5/wolff.html
  • Free Public School Mandate in all States

    All states passed a legislation mandating public school attendance. For all children 8-16. This outlawed private school. A History of Compulsory Education Laws. Fastback Series, No. 75. Bicentennial Series. Katz, Michael S.
  • Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education Propose Standards for Secondary Education

    The Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education submits their specification of the purpose and concept of secondary education to the National Education Association. These specifications included separating middle school from high school, taking education theory into account, differentiating curriculum, etc. NEA 1918 - Cardinal principals of Secondary Education
  • Pierce v. Society of Sisters

    The Society of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, the dominant provider of Catholic education in the state and the founders of St. Mary’s Academy, joined with Hill Military Academy which was a nonsectarian private school to oppose compulsory schooling. The Supreme Court ruled in their favor. A History of Compulsory Education Laws. Fastback Series, No. 75. Bicentennial Series. Katz, Michael S.
  • Free and Reduced School Lunch

    Established in 1946 under President Harry S. Truman, the school lunch program was intended to ensure that every child received at least one hot meal a day. Tonn, Jessica L.There Is Such a Thing as a Free (and Reduced) Lunch. Education Week.
  • Education Became the Job of Schools instead of Parents

    The role of the schools in New England had expanded to such an extent that they took over many of the educational tasks traditionally handled by parents. All the New England colonies required towns to set up schools
  • Brown vs Board of Education undoes Plessy vs Furguson

    Segregation is outlawed. Segregation in public education was “inherently unequal” and therefore unconstitutional. Brown v. Board of Education. By: Lewis, Thomas Tandy, Salem Press Encyclopedia, January 2016
  • Concentration on Math and Science Education

    US government invests 1 billion into revamping the Math and Science curriculum to compete with the Soviet Union after they launched Sputnik into orbit
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Established comprehensive set of programs including Title I and Title II of federal aid to disadvantaged. Special education was included. Ab national curriculum was forbidden US congress (1965) Elementary and Secondary Act
  • Standardized Testing

    Standardized tests are used to measure school performance. The US government is investing funds into public schools and wants to ensure accountability.
  • Title IX

    Outlaws gender discrimination in education
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Outlaws discrimination based on disability in education
  • Mandatory leave without pay for pregnant teachers was overruled

    In Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur,' the Supreme
    Court decided that mandatory maternity leave policies requiring
    a pregnant school teacher to terminate her employment after the
    fourth month of pregnancy were unconstitutional because they
    violated the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment The Case of the Pregnant School Teachers: an
    Equal Protection AnalysisMaryland law review Article 5, volume 34 issue 2
  • Lau vs Nichols

    Supreme court rules for equal education for people with limited English skills.
  • Department of Education

    The Department of Education was signed inot law by president Jimmy Carter in 1979 and began operation in 1980
  • Nations Report Card

    National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), has developed content, analyzed data and reported results for NAEP, often referred to as "The Nation's Report Card"
    Report indicating that the USA was falling behind in education achievement. https://www.ets.org/k12/assessments/federal/naep/?WT.ac=k12_36148_overwrite_naep_170105
  • No Child Left Behind

    Federal funding to public schools was increased and new standards of education was introduced. This caused an increase accountability of schools for students learning, however, standardized tests became the central focus of schools opposed to critical thinking. 107th Congress (2002). No Child Left Behind Act
  • President Obama's Education Initiative

    Race to the top- States are awarded grants towards inovative ideas on reforms that implememnt the common core standards
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Replaces the No Child Left Behind Act, however, there is less concentration on standardized test and more concentration on
    - Equity for high needs students
    - High academic standards
    - Positive changes in low performing schools