History of Science Education

  • Mid-late 19th Century

    Science curriculum and instruction shifted from textbook, rote memory to laboratory studies with application in nature. The desired science rigor was improved through laboratory observation and reflection, where students developed/strengthen skills of inductive reasoning.
  • Committee of Ten of the National Education Association

    Lead by Charles Eliot, the committee reported the elements needed to be fostered in a "disciplinary" science class.

    Intellectual growth would be obtained through scientific inquiry in the laboratory, where students observed, collected data, and reflected on findings to independently establish connections or discover concepts within the content.
    The approach was student-centered and investigative. The downfall was the difficulty establishing when and how an educator guidance should intervene.
  • Practical Science

    In response to the Industrial Revolution, the priority in education shifted from intellectual development to social relevance. Student interest and relevance were reflected in science textbooks, containing home and industrial applications thus making the subject a practical subject.
    By the 1930s and 1940s, science textbooks were organized using basic principles with industrial and daily applications as well as historical references.
  • Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education (CRSE)

    A practical and socially oriented science curriculum was developed by the CRSE. The seven "Cardinal Principles" provided a baseline for course goals and remained the staple for curriculum until 1956.
  • President's Scientific Research Board

    Established by President Truman, the board identified the significance of science education in correlation to military strength and economic prosperity. The board strived to deliver sciences to all levels of education, colleges/universities taking precedence. Support for early science programs was provided to initiate an early interest in the subject, which may lead to more individuals selecting a career in scientific studies.
  • Cognitive studies on curriculum development

    Bruner's cognitive studies reported in A Study of Thinking led to the belief that logically organized science content would provide more effective learning and retention, than content without a logical structure.
  • Sputnik

    In the 1950's, the National Science Foundation sought to establish a more rigorous science curriculum in schools directed at developing intelligence and less social relevance.
    The Soviet Union launching Sputnik* ignited US federal involvement in developing improved science education. Scientists were utilized to develop an accurate and organized structure for the content.
    Scientific findings within The Process of Education & The Study of Thinking aid the reform for science education.
  • Woods Hole Conference

    Collaborative efforts from scientists and psychologist gathered to discuss new developments in science and mathematics. The Process of Education was reported following the conference. Psychologists provided research-based knowledge on intelligence, learning, memory, and motivation, which scientist utilized in the curriculum design.
    Unfortunately, little input for student interest(s) and relevance was placed within the curriculum.
  • New Progressive Science

    By the 1970's, rigor in the science classroom again shifted with societies views. Intellectual knowledge was not as significant for curriculum as relevance of content to individual students. Science education was driven by social concerns, not scientific research or emerging educational developments.
  • Scientific Literacy

    National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) identified scientific literacy with significant importance in education. Science literacy was identified as an individuals use of the sciences, in terms of content and processes, in every day life.
    Scientific literacy continued to remain of importance as it was incorporated within Science for All Americans, Benchmarks for Science Literacy, and National Science Education Standards.
  • National Commission to the Excellence in Education (NCEE)

    Developed by the US Department of Education, NCEE was established to evaluate student learning in education systems of America.
  • A Nation at Risk

    With low academic performance from previous years, the NCEE published the report in hopes for an education reform at federal, state, and local levels, as well as school-districts nation-wide. In order to elevate academic proficiency for all students, instruction would be driven by measurable academic standards. Science content would include fundamental concepts/laws, scientific inquiry and reasoning, application, and social/environmental implications.
  • Project 2061 of the American Association of Advancement in Science

    Project 2061 was the first to provide a comprehensive statement on knowledge and skills that should be establish through the sciences. Science for All Americans reported science skills to be obtained in class to aid an individual's success in society. The initial efforts for science curriculum shifted to create benchmarks for each grade band.
  • Benchmarks for Science Literacy

    First national content standards for science
  • No Child Left Behind

    Shift in the focus on academic content covering ELA and math.
    Sciences, social studies, and political sciences received less classroom instruction, as students in grades 3-8 were required to participate in state tests to determine academic growth and achievements.
  • Framework for K-12 Science Education

    Science standard goals included " an appreciation for science, be knowledgeable in science and engineering, identify research-based scientific and technological information in daily life, capable of science learning outside of classroom, and to obtain skills they will encounter in careers of their choice." (NRC, 2012, p.1)
  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

    National Resource Council's A Framework for K-12 Science Education was utilized in the development of NGSS. The standards set student expectations for knowledge of content as well as the practice of science. Performance is based on three dimensions of science: science and engineering practice, core concepts and ideas, and crosscutting concepts.