Jesus preaching

history of Roman Christianity

  • 30

    event one

    event one
    Jesus begins preaching his ideas with his twelve apostles
  • 33

    event two

    event two
    The Romans crucify Jesus on Calvary
  • 64

    event three

    The Romans outlaw Christianity and blame a big fore in Rome on the Christians
  • 73

    event four

    event four
    Jews try to overthrow the Romans and fail
  • 132

    event five

    The Romans are tired of Jewish revolts, so they banish the Jews
  • 312

    event six

    event six
    Emperor Constantine accepts Christianity after painting the Christian cross on his soldiers shields before battle and winning the battle.
  • 313

    event seven

    Constantine allows freedom of religion in Rome
  • 392

    event eight

    Emperor Theodosius bans Greek and Roman religions
  • 400

    event nine

    event nine
    St. Paula translates the bible into Latin
  • 400

    event ten

    St. Patrick brings Christianity to Britain and Ireland.
  • 597

    event eleven

    Pope Gregory sends Monks to Britain.
  • 863

    event twelve

    Cyril invents an alphabet for the Slavic languages