3100 BCE
Unification of the Egyptian Empire
2300 BCE
Town of Babylon was founded
The town of Babylon, located in modern-day Iraq, was founded by ancient Akkadian-speaking people of southern Mesopotamia. -
2000 BCE
Babylonians Solved Quadratic Equations
Using a geometric method of completing the square, Babylonians moved pieces of rectangles and squares to solve. They needed a method of finding how much to increase the size of their fields to pay the tax collector. -
1800 BCE
Egyptian Geometric Tables
Egyptian engineers, scribes, and priests kept tables for all possible sides and shapes of squares and rectangles. Evidence that ancient Egyptians could solve some quadratic equations was recorded on the Berlin Papyrus. -
1792 BCE
Ammorite King Hammurabi ruled Babylonia
1792-1750 BCE
King Hammurabi brought central and southern Mesopotamia under Babylonian rule.
After his death, the Babylonian empire reverted to several small kingdoms. -
642 BCE
Muslims conquered ancient Egypt
Arab invasion led by ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ in AD 639–642 -
539 BCE
The Fall of Babylon
Cyrus the Great (Persian king) conquered Babylon -
500 BCE
Pythagoras used geometry, and refused to allow that ratios of the area of squares and the length of their sides could be anything other than rational. -
332 BCE
Egyptian Empire fell to Alexander the Great
300 BCE
Euclid Solved Quadratic Equations
Using a strictly geometric approach, Euclid found a general procedure to solving quadratics. He concluded that irrational numbers exist. -
Brahmagupta understood negative numbers
Indian mathematician Brahmagupta's understanding of negative numbers allowed for solving quadratic equations with two solutions, one possibly negative. -
Muhammad ibn Mūsa al-Khwārīzmī solved quadratics by completing the square
Mathematicians of al-Khwārīzmī’s time did not employ the concept of negative numbers, so Muhammad ibn Mūsa al-Khwārīzmī did not use negative coefficients or accept negative solutions. -
Sridhara gave a formula for solving Quadratic Equations
We know about Sridhara through the writings of Bhaskara II, also an Indian mathematician. He was one of the first to give a formula for solving quadratic equations. His formula was very close to the derivation of the quadratic formula that we use. -
Bhaskara II discovered that any positive number has two square roots
Bhaskara II demonstrated that the quadratic equation has two roots by discovering that any positive number (the discriminant of the quadratic formula) has two square roots. -
Abraham bar Hiyya brought the Quadratic Formula to Europe
"Abraham bar Hiyya's book, Treatise on Measurement and Calculation, is the earliest Arab algebra book in Europe. It contains the complete solution of the general quadratic. 1145 was also the year that al-Khwarizmi's book was translated." O'Connor, JJ, and EF Robertson. “Abraham Bar Hiyya - Biography.” Maths History, Nov. 1999, mathshistory.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Abraham/. -
European Renaissance began
People embraced education, classical arts, science, mathematics, and literature. -
Girolamo Cardano compiled the quadratic works (Italy)
He combined Al-Khwarismi's solution with Euclid's geometric solution. He also acknowledged the existence of imaginary numbers (roots of negative numbers). -
William Shakespeare was born
Shakespeare is often considered "the greatest dramatist" of all time" (Biography.com, 2019) -
Viete wrote general forms of equations (France)
Viete used vowels to represent unknowns in equations and consonants to represent known quantities. By using letters to represent known and unknown quantities, he was able to write general forms of equations, rather than relying on specific examples. -
Descartes introduced modern algebraic notation (France)
Descartes wrote La Gèometrie, which introduced the convention where letters near the beginning of the alphabet represent known quantities and letters near the end represent unknowns. The quadratic formula adopted the form as we know it today. -
United States Declared Independence from Great Britain
On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress voted to adopt the Declaration of Independence -
Po-Shen Loh found a simpler way to solve quadratic equations (Pittsburgh)
Loh, a mathematician at Carnegie Mellon University, discovered a simple method for solving quadratic equations without using the quadratic formula.