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Wilhem Wundt
Wilhem Wundt opened the first pyschology lab in 1879, considered the father of pyschollogy. -
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William James
James was the first American pyschologist and made the first pyschology textbook. -
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G. Stanley Hall
First American to recieve a Ph.D., opened the first pyschology lab in the United States, and the first president of the American Pyschology Association(APA). -
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Ivan Pavlov
Studied classic conditioning. -
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Sigmund Freud
Freud developed the first complete theory of pschoanalysis, focused on the unconscious and pyschoanalytic concepts. -
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Mary Whiton Calkins
First woman to become president of the APA, and to meet the requirements for a Ph.D. in pyscholoy. -
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Margaret Washburn
First woman to open a pychology lab inn the U.S., also the first woman to recieve a Ph.D. in pyschology, from Cornell University. -
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John Watson
Created behavioralism(Father of Behavioralism), conducted the little Albert experiment -
The study of pyschology began
Beginning of Structuralism and Biological Influences
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Karen Horney
Studied pyschodynamic perspective and social culture approach, also challenged the male bias. -
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Francis Sumner
First African-American to recieve a doctoral degree in pyschology. -
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Inez Prosser
First African-American woman to recieve a doctoral degree in pyschology. -
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Jean Piaget
Studied developmental pyschology, cognitive development in children. -
Beginning of Pyschoanalysis
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B. F. Skinner
Studie role of responses in learning, created the Skinner box, and studied operte conditioning(Consequences and Reinforcement). -
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Abraham Maslow
Studied the Heirarchy of Needs, and self-factualiztion. -
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Roger Sperry
Studied the two halves of he human brain, and the spliit brain phenomenon. Recieved Nobel Prize in 1981.. -
Beginning of Behaviorism
Beginning of Sociial-Cultural Perspective
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Albert Bandura
Studied social learning theory and imitation. -
Beginning of Gestalt Pyschology
Humanistic Pyschology
Beginning of Cognitive Pyschology
Beginning of Functionalism