
history of Psychology Maddy Shingles

By shi0018
  • Period: 322 to


    born in Stgira in north Greece in 384 BC and died in 322 BC
    He was trained first in medicine, and then in 367 he was sent to Athens to study
    philosophy with Plato.
    Aristotle is said to have written 150 philosophical treatises. The 30 that survive touch on an enormous range of philosophical problems, from biology and physics to morals to aesthetics to
    politics. Many, however, are thought to be "lecture notes" instead of complete, polished treatises, and a few may not be the wor
  • Period: 377 to 460


    He was born in Greece in 460bc and dies in 377bc he started science as a Physician but is better known for his work in medicine and discovering symptoms of lung cancer, lung disease and cyanotic lung disease
  • Period: to

    Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes
    Life Span: born March 31st 1596 in Touraine, France - Died February 11th, 1650 in Stockholm Sweden
    Country: France
    Field of science: Mathenatican/philospher
    Contribution to Psychology: developed the idea that anything can be solved with reason. he did not believe in or approve of experiments. he relied solely on reason.
  • Period: to

    Charles Darwin:

    Charles Darwin:
    Lifespan: 12 Feb 1809- 19 April 1882
    Country: England
    Scintific Interests: Naturalist, medical educetion, Geology
    Psych Contributions: had a theory that all species of life descended over time from a comon ancestor
  • Period: to

    Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm Wundt
    Life Span: August 16th 1832- August 31st 1920.
    Country: Germany
    Field of science: Experimental Psychology and Physiology.
    He was a physician, psychologist, physiologist, philosopher, professor.
    Contributions to Psychology: Founded the first of two experimental psychology labs. He was associated with structuralism, which includes describing the structures that compose the mind
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    William James

    William James
    Lifespan: January 11th 1842- August 26th 1910
    Field of Science: Philosopher, psychologist and a trained physician
    Country: America
    Contribution: He wrote influential books on pragmatism, psychology, educational psychology, the psychology of religious experience and mysticism
  • Period: to

    Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    Was born in Austria on the 6th of may 1856-1939. He first studied medicine at the univercity of Vienna. As Freud studied medicine he worked on theories of the unconsious mind and repression, this lead to his major discovery of 'Psychoanalysis
  • Period: to

    Jean Piaget

    Jean Piaget
    Born 9 August 1896 in Neuchâtel, France. Died 16 September 1980.
    Interests were: Developmental Psychology, Epistemology
  • Period: to

    BF Skinner

    BF Skinner
    Lifespan- March 20 1904-18 August 1990
    Country- Susquehanna, Pennsylvania
    Scientific Interests and contributions- He was an inventor as well as psychologist, had two books received numerous awards and honorary degrees