Metal Detectors
Alexander Graham Bell createed the metal detector to help find the bullet the assinated President Garfield. Being that many school shooting have occured schools began to bring in metal detectors to find bullets and any other harmful things that could hurt students. -
Police Officers
The Columbine shooting in 1999 killed 13 people and injured 160 people. A year later President Bill Clinton announced that the federal government would then supply money to allow policemen and guards into schools. -
Lockdown Drills
The Virginia Tech shooting in the year of 2007 proved to many Americans that extra pre-cautions should be put in place to keep and protect students from gun violence. Lockdown drills would be one way out of many to prepare the students for any attacks that may come. -
Present Day
At many middle and High schools students will be issued an I.D. to help identify the student while also protecting them. Going in and out of schools without any form of recognition is almost impossible.