History of policing

  • when did the police start?

    peels metropolitan police act 1829 established a full time professional and centrally organized police force for the greater London area.
  • 1838

    Boston police department became the first official police department
  • 1845

    The new York city police department is established
  • 1886

    First two African american police officers Robert William Stewart and Roy Green are hired by LAPD
  • 1900s

    August Vollmer the police chief Berkley CA becomes the father of modern law enforcement.
  • 1905

    The Pennsylvania state police becomes the first state agency
  • 1910

    Alice Stebbins Wells was the first female police officer hired by LAPD
  • 1910

    The first female deputy sheriff Margaret Q Adams is hired by the LA county sheriffs deputy
  • until the 1920s

    In many american cities local political leaders had control over the police force
  • 1970s and 1980

    Investigations in several city police departments revealed cases of police corruption
  • 1971

    The united states police canine association is formed when two when two associations merge
  • 1975

    fingerprint reader
  • 1980

    Innovate 911
  • 1982

    Pepper spray
  • 1990-2000

    uniforms returned to dark blue after the city experienced terrorist attacks
  • 1993

    computer usage
  • 1994

    A crime tracker is put in function
  • 2002

    Automatic license plate recognition
  • 2012

    New York city implements DAS
  • 2013

    StarChase GPS launcher