history of policing

  • Sheriff Station

    The country’s first sheriff station was created.
  • Boston Night Watch

    Boston created a night watch in 1636,New York
  • Formal Slave Patrol

    The first formal slave patrol was created.
  • Modern Police Stations

    Modern police stations were established.
  • Metropolitan Police Services

    Peel established the Metropolitan Police Services in London.
  • Day Watch

    Philadelphia created the forst day watch.
  • the beginning of police in america

    in 1833, the city of Boston established the first american police force, followed by new York city in 1845, Albany, NY and Chicago in 1851, New Orleans and Cincinnati in 1853 Philadelphia in 1855, and Newark, NJ and Baltimore in 1857.
  • First Full Time Police Force

    First organized police force to work full time that was publicly finded and created in Boston.
  • The NYPD

    foreigners poured into the metropolis, many of them as dangerous as they were destitute, daily inventing new methods of relieving the unwary of their purses. And so, in the summer of 1845, what would become the most famous law-enforcement body in the world was created to keep the peace: the NYPD, a motley collection of non-uniformed “star police” with copper emblems pinned to their breasts
  • Telegraph

    District stations were linked to headquarters by telegraphs.
  • Pennsylvania State Police

    The Pennsylvania state police become the first state police agency.
  • First Female Deputy

    The first female deputy sheriff:Margaret Q Adams is hired bt LA county sheriffs.
  • Lie Detector

    The lie detector was invented.
  • Fingerprint Classification

    The fingerprint classification system was developed.
  • Radio Squad Cars

    Radio-equipped squad cars were used.
  • Forensic Laboratory

    FBI inagurated the forensic laboratory.
  • Traffic Law Enforcement

    Radar was introduced to traffic law enforcement.
  • 911

    911 is created.
  • United States Canine Association

    The United Stated Police Canine Association is formed when two other associations merge.
  • Crime Tracker

    CompStat,a crime tracker is put in function.