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History of Physical Fitness in the United States

  • 4000 BCE

    Roman Contributions to Physical Fitness

    Roman Contributions to Physical Fitness
    Between 4,000 BC and the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD, civilizations rose and fell through war and conquest. Young men practiced fundamental skills such as walking and running on uneven terrains, jumping, crawling, climbing, lifting and carrying heavy things, throwing and catching, unarmed fighting, and weapons training. Roman Video on physical fitness:
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  • 250 BCE

    The Rise of Physical Fitness (Ancient Greek Civilization)

    The Rise of Physical Fitness (Ancient Greek Civilization)
    The embodiment of ancient Greek civilization is the idea that physical well-being is necessary for mental well-being. The appreciation for beauty of the body and importance of health and fitness throughout society is one that is unparalleled in history. Videos that support the contributions of ancient Greek values in physical fitness:
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  • Europe and its Nationalistic Views on Physical Fitness

    Europe and its Nationalistic Views on Physical Fitness
    With the emerging nations of Europe, feelings of nationalism created the atmosphere for the first modern fitness movement, which came in the form of gymnastics programs. Gymnastics was the first of many sports.
  • Beginning to Measure Benefits of Physical Fitness in the United States

    Beginning to Measure Benefits of Physical Fitness in the United States
    During the Industrial Revolution, Dr. W.A. Guy of King’s College contrasted mortality rates among sedentary and physically active workers, which favored the latter. This was the beginning of studies done to measure the benefits of physical activity.
  • Dr. F.C. Smith debates the Need for Physical Fitness to Reduce Degenerative Diseases

    Dr. F.C. Smith debates the Need for Physical Fitness to Reduce Degenerative Diseases
    Dr. F.C. Smith of the US Surgeon General’s Office reported an increasing incidence of degenerative diseases in those not employed in jobs involving manual labor. He “indicated that ‘exercise is necessary for all except those actually and acutely physically ill, at all ages, for both sexes, daily, in amount just short of fatigue.
  • Soldiers and Physical Fitness 1918

    Soldiers and Physical Fitness 1918
    After the war finished, statistics were released about the draft with alarming data regarding the fitness levels of the soldiers. It was found that one out of every three drafted individuals was unfit for combat and many of those drafted were highly unfit prior to military training. Government legislation was then passed that required improvements to the physical education programs within public schools. Soldier Fitness in 1918
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  • Cureton and the Foundations for Future Exercise Programs

    Cureton and the Foundations for Future Exercise Programs
    Dr. Thomas K. Cureton developed fitness tests for cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility. His research resulted in exercise intensity guidelines necessary for improved fitness levels. These findings became the foundations behind future exercise programs. Cureton Video Link
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  • Father of Modern Physical Fitness

    Father of Modern Physical Fitness
    Dr. Ken H. Cooper is recognized as The Father of the Modern Fitness Movement. Cooper advocated a philosophy that shifted away from disease treatment to one of disease prevention. It is easier to maintain good health through proper exercise, diet, and emotional balance than it is to regain it once it is lost. Links to Dr. Cooper
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  • President John F Kennedy and Physical Fitness

    President John F Kennedy and Physical Fitness
    President John F. Kennedy was a big advocate of the health related benefits fitness provided. Kennedy spoke openly about the need for American citizens to improve their fitness levels, including writing an article in Sports Illustrated entitled ‘The Soft American. He said, ‘We are under-exercised as a nation; we look instead of play; we ride instead of walk. Kennedy’s commitment to fitness can best be summarized when he said, Physical fitness is the basis for all other forms of excellence.
  • American College of Sports Medicine

    American College of Sports Medicine
    The American College of Sports Medicine has proved to be one of the premier organizations in the promotion of health and fitness to American society and worldwide. Throughout its history, ACSM has established position stands on various exercise-related issues based on scientific research.
  • Current State Legislative Efforts Towards Physical Fitness

    Current State Legislative Efforts Towards Physical Fitness
    Oregon legislation passes ORS 329.496 in 2011, which will become operative on July 1, 2017. This law states, very public school student in kindergarten through grade 8 shall participate in physical education for the entire school year. Making this mandatory can hopefully improve fitness levels and begin to set a example for children.
    ORS 329.496 Link
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