History of Physical Education

  • First Teacher of PE

  • First PE Teacher in America

  • First State to Mandate PE

  • First Modern Olympics held in Athens, Greece

  • First Masters' Degree program in PE @ Teacher's College, Colombia University

  • Delphine Hanna, first full time female professor of PE

  • National College Athletic Association formed

  • National Park Service formed

  • World War I, soldiers deemed "unfit"

  • Doctoral programs in PE created

  • Stock Market Crash, no more focus on education

  • President's Council on Fitness, Nutrition, and Sports

  • Civil Rights Act, integrated sports and fitness

  • Educational Amendments Act, prohibited racial discrimination

  • Title IX, prohibited discrimination based on sex

  • Disability in Education

  • "No Child Left Behind"

  • Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act

  • Healthy People 2010

  • Obesity at an all time high