Thomas Arnold introduces games
To controll unruley boys at school, Arnold introduces games with structure and rules to prevent mis behavior and encourage morals -
Compulsary education for all children
Boer War ends
Introduction of model course
Due to poor results of the Boer war, blame is placed on the low fitness levels of the nation. Military drill training is made compulsary in schools. -
Revised model course
Board of education revise the model course to include Swedish drill, encompassing 'social welfare' for students -
Sylabus of physical training
Identifies the differences in the various ages of children and their capabilities, allowing more recreational activities
Required teacher training is introduced -
adaptation of sylabus
Small, organised games and exercise are introduced for specific body areas.
Partner and group work used to develop social skills -
Moving and growing - Planning the programme
Offers advice and suggestions to teachers on curriculum rather than demands, allowing for more child centered education -
Education reform act
Government taks more controll over teachers
Introduction of SATs -
Physical education becomes a foundation subject
Revised curriclum
Allowing equal access for all students
Follow a programme of study
Key stages introduced