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History Of Paris, France

  • 250 BCE

    Early Settlers

    Early Indo-European people settled near the Seine River where we now call Paris.
  • 52 BCE

    Romans Arrive

    Romans Arrive
    The roman tribe Gallic, lead by Julius Caesar take over Paris and renamed the city Lutetia. Soon after Caesar leaves, The Parisii revolt against the Romans. Labienus, Caesar’s lieutenant, defeats them.
  • 280

    Great Destruction

    In 250 the city was named Montmartre but later destroyed by Barbarians.
  • 360

    Perfect Name

    Paris is given the name we all know and love.
  • 451

    Geneviève Encouragement

    Geneviève Encouragement
    Attila the Hun heads toward Paris. A young nun named Geneviève encourages the Parisians to pray and stand firm. Attila and his legions of Huns avoid Paris and are defeated at Châlons. Geneviève is hailed as the city’s savior and is later named the patron saint of Paris. (dies 511)
  • 800

    Île de la Cité.

    Invading Vikings force the Parisians to construct a fortress on the Île de la Cité.
  • Mar 28, 845

    Viking Leave At Last

    The Vikings sack Paris. They collect a large ransom in exchange for leaving.
  • 987

    King Of France

    King Of France
    Hugh Capet, count of Paris, is crowned King of France and becomes the first of the Capetian line of kings. But Dies in 996 and the role is taken over by his son, Robert II.
  • 1215

    University Of Paris

    University Of Paris
    The University of Paris is founded.
  • 1300


    King Philippe-Auguste builds a square château-fort to protect the western side of the city. This château is developed and expanded by subsequent kings over the next 600 years and later becomes the Louvre.
  • 1300

    Diseases and War

    The Black Death strikes the city. Later in 1337 the Hundred Years War begins.
  • 1400

    Royal Court Flee

    Urban revolts drive the royal court to abandon the city for almost 100 years.
  • 1563

    Tuileries Palace

    Construction is begun on the section of the Louvre known as the Tuileries Palace.
  • The Sun King

    The Sun King
    King Louis XIV, the Sun King, begins his reign. He moves the royal residence from Paris to Versailles but dies in 1715
  • Beginning Of The French Revolution

    Beginning Of The French Revolution
    After a battle between french people and Bastille surrenders and the French Revolution has begun.
  • First Republic

    The monarchy falls and the First Republic is proclaimed.
  • Napoléon’s Defeat

    Napoléon’s army is defeated by Wellington at Waterloo.
  • Second Republic

    Proclamation of the Second Republic. France has its first legislative assembly. Prince Louis Napoléon Bonaparte wins the presidency by 5 million votes.
  • Franco-Prussian War Ends

    The Franco-Prussian war ends with a siege of Paris. In 1871, the Paris Commune, a revolutionary Socialist government, takes over the city. They burn The Tuileries Palace and pull down Napoleon’s column. The French Army under General MacMahon suppresses the Commune and 20,000 people die.
  • Eiffel Tower

    Eiffel Tower
    The Eiffel Tower is completed is third and final stage.
  • World Olympics

    World Olympics
    Paris hosted the world summer olympics and the first parisian metro line opens.
  • World War ll

    WWI brings 2 million American soldiers to France. Paris is saved from the Germans by the Battle of the Marne.
  • Free At Last

    General von Choltitz surrenders and Paris is finally free from the Germans.
  • Rejected Constitution

    French voters reject the European Union’s proposed constitution.