Correspondence Courses
The Calvert School of Baltimore (Maryland) is the first primary school in the US to offer correspondence courses. This is a form of distance education. In most cases, text books and coursework are sent via paper mail and students complete the coursework independently. -
Broadcasting on Radio
Pennsylvania State University is the first college or university to broadcast courses over the radio, increasing the speed and efficiency of contact between distance learners and course content. -
Educationally Owned station
Iowa State University goes on the air with the first non-experimental, educationally owned television station. -
Intranet Systems
The University of Ilinois creates Intranet systems for students to access course materials and recorded lectures. -
Bill Gates and Paul Allen found the Microsoft Corporation. -
Modern Internet
Modern internet began. -
Accredited Online Graduate Program
The first accredited online graduate program is offered by Nova Southeastern University. -
World Wide Web
The World Wide Web (WWW) opens to the public, allowing for internet use and online education as we know them today. -
Email surpasses postal mail in number of documents sent and received. -
Blackboard software is available for a learning platform for instruction. -
Department of Education Regulations
The Department of Education issues new regulations which require online colleges to satisfy all state–level educational requirements. -
Online Programs
98% of public universities and colleges offer some form of online program.