Notes on Nursing by Florence Nightingale
1853-1856 Crimean War - Florence Nightingale cared for Brittish soldiers which served as the inspiration for her book "Notes on Nursing" published in 1860 -
Nightingale's Training School
Florence Nightingale started training school for nurses in St. Thomas, London -
3 U S training schools for nurses open
Bellevue Hospital in New York City;
Connecticut Hospital in New Haven; and
Massachusetts General in Boston -
Chicago World's Fair
Isabelle Huntington's "Standardized Training for Nurses" -
National League for Nursing Education
started as the Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses in the United States and Canada, (name changed in 1912) -
Lillian Ward and Mary Brewster
founded Henry Street Settlement House & Henry Street Nurse Services to improve health of poverty stricken immigrants in New York City. This protocol was framework for public health nursing. -
Hospital Based Training Schools
The United States had 432 hospital based training schools -
Definition of "Registered Nurse"
Nursing registration legislation in North Carolina defines "Registered Nurse" -
Undergraduate Nursing Programs
implementation of the first undergraduate nursing program -
Nursing Registration Laws
27 states adopt nursing registration laws -
Political lobbying for Nurses
American Nurses Association achieved legal recognition for trained nurses -
Nursing Education Endowments
Between 1924 and 1930 the Rockefeller Foundation gave large sums to universities to further nurses training. -
Hospitals add graduate nurses to staff
Prior to this hospitals were training grounds for student nurses and many graduate nurses held private duty positions -
Blue Cross is endorsed by AHA
American Hospital Association endorses Blue Cross, allowing the public to "pre-pay" for future hospitalizations -
Baccalaureatte program
opened door for advanced practice nursing -
Associates Degree in Nursing
2 year college program enables students to earn Associates Degree in Nursing and the ability to sit for state board examination. -
Nurses Training Act
legislation opened funding for training nurses to help alleviate the shortage of nurses throughout the country -
Advane Practice Nursing - Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program instituted to provide well child care and management of common childhood illnesses -
Doctorate of Nursing
first Nursing Doctorate offered by Case Western Reserve University, Nursing Doctorate focused on practice and not research -
American Association of Collegiate Nursing
institution of the Clinical Nurse Leader - responsible for patient outcomes through supervision of care team -
Period: to
Nursing now
hospitals are requiring Baccaulaurette of Nursing degrees, nontraditional schooling enables nurses to simultaneously earn education and pay.