Marie Curie
A two-time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry and Physicis. Discovers the radicoactive elements of radium and polomium. -
Albert Einstein publisheds his book of relativity
Albert Einstein published his book of relativity in 1905.He proposed that gravity, as well as motion, could affect the intervals of time and space. -
Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman demonstrate fission
The process of splitting uranium atoms called nulcear fission is explained by Otto Hann and Fritz Strassman. Otto Hann won the noble peace prize for this accomplishment. -
A letter from Albert Einstein
President Roosevelt gets a letter from Albert Einstein stating the possibility of a uranium weapon. Later in 1941 British scientist reported that a weapon could be mad with only 22 pounds uranium. -
The start of the Manhattan project
The Manhattan project started when the United States planned to secretary create an atomic weapon so it can be used in World War ll for fears of Hitler rising and building one himself. The United States got help from Britian and France in the Manhattan project. -
First atomic bomb dropped in New Mexico
The United States test the first atomic bomb, code-named trinity, in Alamogordo, New Mexico. It was about 20 miles south of Albuquerque. -
United States bomb the city of Hiroshima and later Nagasaki
The United States tell Japan to surrender but they'd refuse to do so. On August 6, 1945 The United States drop the uranium nuclear bomb called little boy on Hiroshima. President Roosevelt tell Japan to surrender or he warned them "expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth." Three days later from the first bombing the United States drop the plutonium bomb called fat boy on the city of Nagasaki. On August 15, Japan finally surrenders. -
Atomic energy act passed
The atomic energy act of 1946 was passed which stated, the United States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) will control nuclear energy development and find peaceful uses for nuclear energy -
The first prouduction of nuclear energy is shown
An experimental breeder reactor produced the first electric power from nuclear energy, lighting up 4 light bulbs. -
First nuclear submarine built.
First submarine that was powered by a nuclear reactor. It was called the USS Nautilus. It was 320 feet long. -
First power plant built
Obninsk Nuclear Power Station, was built in Russia, 110km southwesof of Moscow. it produced about 5 megawatts of eltric power. -
First Nuclear power plant opens up in the U.S.
Preisdenrt Eisenhower opened the first U.S. comerical nuclear power plant in Shippingport Pennsylvannia.