Period: 1400 to 1500
instrumental music
New musical forms appeared:
-Compositions based on vocal music:Instrumentalists, who were usually accompanied vocal pieces, used this as new instrumentals works
-Compositions with an improvisational feel:Composers started to wrtite improvised pieces that were of good musical quality.
-Variations.It consisted of the expotition of a short musical theme with some variations.
The favourite instruments were polyphonic.This means the instruments they play several notes at the same time. -
Period: 1400 to 1500
Renaissance textures
Imitative counterpoint is a type of polyphonic texture with several independent melodic lines.
Homorhythmic homophony:Several melodic lines are played simultaneously.
Melodic homophony:Is composed for several parts, and it has a main melodic line. -
Period: 1400 to 1500
Religious vocal music
There were three main types:
-Motet:it became more important and included more parts
-Mass:it was a long composition written in Latin(misa).
-Chorale:it was the most common musical form from the protestan liturgy. -
Period: 1400 to 1500
Secular vocal music
The madrigal was it dominated form.
in england, numerous songs for one voice were writtwn, while in France there were several voices.
In Spain there was three main forms:
-Romance:It told both true and fake stories
-Villancio:it had popular origins and it was sang in villages.
-Ensalada:This composition was a combinattion of different forms and languages. -
Period: 1400 to 1500
Renaissance dances
Popular dances became court dances, performed by nobility.There was no improvitation, the structure of the music went with the dances.There were usually combined in pairs, so that each pair shared a similar theme and musical structure.One of the best known combination of dances was the pavane and the galliard.another combination was the branle and the sarabande. -
Period: 1483 to 1546
Martin Luther
Martin Luther was a German theologian and monk, known for the protestant reform.He also created a repertoire of simple melodies in the vernacular. -
Period: to
Baroque musical characteristics
-It aimed to arouse emotions and make musical performance spectacular
-it used contrasting elements on overelaborate melodioes.
-it was based on the diatonic scales that we know.
-it had an insistent mechanical rhythm.
-the predominant texture was melody dominated homophony -
Period: to
Basso continuo
In this period, both vocal and instrumental music was composed with the texture of melody-dominated.Here you have a video:
.herehomophony.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTGVOvTv0zE -
Period: to
Instrumental music
It became important in the baroque period.This was lagerly thanks to technical developments in instrument and the work of great luthiers.
here you have a video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgGFEv9YNAk -
Period: to
Baroque dance and ballet
It was mainly courtey and refined, and the first dance schools appeared.A Renaissance dance called chaconne appear in Spain, and the court ballet appeard in France. -
Period: to
The opera is a secular a secular vocal form that aimed to revive classical Greek theater.TheLibretto, contains the text of the opera.
Opera seria was dramatic opera, and opera buffa was a comic opera. -
Period: to
Religious vocal music
Forms from the past like maas and motet were still use.However, new vocal forms appeared:
-The cantata was originally secular, but the church used it to express its teachings.
-The oratorio was similar to the opera, but with a religious plot and a narrator.
-The passion was similar to the oratorio, but was only related to the passion and death of Christ.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHki7gZhARM -
Period: to
The baroque orchestra
It was a organised ensemble, and it had different sections:
-Basso continuo
-Percussion -
Period: to
Instrumental forms
The fugue:Was one of the main baroque forms for keyboard instruments.
The suite:Evolved from the pair of dances performed together in the Renaissance.
The sonata:Consisted of four movements, alternating between fast and slow tempos.
The concerto:It consisted of three contrasting movements
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SFvw5ZUrUY -
Period: to
The classical period
The classical period lasted from 1730 to 1820, between the early modern period and the late modern period. -
Period: to
Sonata form
it consists of four movements that consist of parts ABA´:
-reexposition(A´) -
Period: to
Other musical forms
-Minuet: it has an ABA structure. -Rondo:it has an ABACA structure. -theme and variations:it has an AA1A2A3A4... structure. -
Period: to
music on the Classical period
The most important composers were ,for example, Franz Joseph.Its main characteristics are:
-It was balanced, clear and bright
-it aimed to find a musical lenguage to express perfection
-it used musical forms
-it emphasaied the melody.
-The use of a simple harmony
-the use of melody dominated homophony -
Period: to
Instrumental forms
-trio, quartet,quintet
-concerto -
Period: to
opera seria and buffa
Was mainly represented by the german composer Christoph Willibald.
Buffa:Was ogirinated in Napoles.It aimed to entertaine.Mozard was a very importan composer of the opera buffa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY9PdmfwbLs -
Period: to
Classical dance
there was a serie of innovations:
-The music was composed to serve the coreography.
-The body was sed in an expressive way
-Costumes were adapted to the plot of the piece
-Dancers became profesionals.
-Women started to perform in the official ballets. -
Period: to
The orquesta
Was adapted to the new instrumental forms.it incorporated the clarinet, the french horne and the piano, and the increase of the number of musicians meant that an orquesta conductor was needed. -
Period: to
Religious vocal music
In this period it was in a gradual decline, althought the baroque musical forms were still practsed, in particular the requiem. -
Characteristics of romantic period:
-Wants to be free from classical rules
-Aims for virtuosity, mainly on piano
-making the melody an important means of expression -
Period: to
The romantic period
Its related to the artistic and philosophical of the same name.This movement was promoted by the bourgeoisie.The romantic period defended -
Period: to
Spanish composers developed the zarzuela, a lyrical and theatrical musical form which had instrumental interludes and choruses, but there are three differences. -
Period: to
Romantic Opera
It became the bourgeoisie,s favourite type of performance.Italy,France and Germany were the creative centres.
Here is a video of how was the Romantic Opera:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXXuxRMIBVk -
Period: to
LIed means song, and is a poem set to simple music, accompanied by piano, which aims to reinforce the contents of the text.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5eflJTpoSQ -
Period: to
Musical ntionalism
An increase of nationalism happened.Here are some of the most important countries:
-Spain -
Period: to
Romantic dance and ballet
THe start of romantic ballet was marked by the first Paris performance of La Sylphide.
Romantic ballet:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tpR8Lc_HXk
romantic dance:https://sites.google.com/site/ugadancehistory/make-donations -
This movement aimed for the return of a clasical aesthetics.
Here is a video that explains it with more detail:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7am9wcznJJI -
20th century ballet and contemporany dance
20th century ballet:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKE1eDn0Lcg
Contemporany dance:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm98afryPf4 -
Musique concrete
It ued sound from its surroundings and then modified the with the latest technology.
Music concrete video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4ea0sBrw6M -
Electronic and elctroaccustic music
Electronic:Was produced entirely in a recording studio
Electroacustic :Combined real sounds with other electronically generated sounds. -
Characteristic of the 20th century music
-Pursuing novelty, experimentation and originality.
-Searching for a new musical lenguage.
-Exploring different ways of representing music
-Using new computer and instrumental resources. -
Instrument of the 20th century
Thanks to advances in technology numerous new instruments appeared:
-The theremin:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhhdBIhnlrU
-The Ondes Martenot:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0aflcF0-ys
-The synthesiser
-The sampler:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7fJhIEdNes
-THe vibraphone:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7fJhIEdNes -
This art movement started with paintings that attemped to capture reality in a subjective way.It used:
-Musical atmospheres inspired by nature
-Scales that evoked oriental music
-Imprecise melodic lines and a free, iregular rhythm.
-Timbres of different instruments overlapping each other.
Here is a video that explains what is impressionism and its characteristics:https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-impressionism-in-music-definition-characteristics-timeline.html -
It had these characteristics:
-It used a very strong rhythm.
-Compositions were designed for small chamber ensembles.
-In some compositions, the melodic line was lost in favour of a type of recitative singing called Sprechgesang.
-It included strong dissonances to create a constant tension.
-It used atonality and the twelve-tone technique.
Here is a video that explains in more detail what and how was expressionism:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J4DZ3_MwBQ -
Atonality and the twelve-tone technique
-Atonality:Is the use of the non-tonal music that generated tension.Here is a video of how was atonality:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC5YSuaH3Vc
-Twelve-tone technique:This movement was based on the use of the chromatic scale.Here is a video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Har_7-S3Cgc -
Aleatoric music
It was based on the ability of the performers to improvise, which means each peace of aleatoric music was unrepeatable.
Here are some examples of aleatoric music:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bkQa2Rowvw -
Minimal music
This movement aimed to create simple, direct music with minimal resources
Here is a video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4ea0sBrw6M -
20th century music in Spain:
Generacion del 27 movement appeared, followed by Generacion del 51.
Here is a video of the 20th century spanish musi for flaute and piano: