History of Multicultural Education

  • The Association for Children with Learning Disabilities is formed.

    The Association for Children with Learning Disabilities is formed.
    In 1963, Samuel A. Kirk uses the term "learning disability." Today the organization is known as the Learning Disabilities Association of America. Nearly 1/2 of all students in the U.S. who receive special education have learning disabilities.
  • Project Head Start

    Project Head Start
    A preschool education program for children from low income families. Part of President Johnson's War on Poverty, it is the longest running anti-poverty program in the United States.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
    Part of President Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, it provides federal funds to help low income students, which resulted in the initiation of education programs such as Title I and Bilingual Education.
  • Bilingual Education Act

    Bilingual Education Act
    The Bilingual Education Act, also known as Title VII, becomes law. Many years of controversy followed, and in 2002 the law is repealed and replaced by the No Child Left Behind Act.
  • Equal Educational Opportunities Act

    Equal Educational Opportunities Act
    This Act prohibits discrimination and requires schools to take action to overcome barriers which prevent equal protection. This act has been important in protecting rights of students that have limited English proficiency.
  • The book Multicultural Education is pubished.

    The book Multicultural Education is pubished.
    James Banks' book makes an important contribution to the growing body of scholarship regarding multiculturalism in education.
  • Higher Education Act amended and reauthorized

    Higher Education Act amended and reauthorized
    This act was amended to expand access to higher education for low and middle income students, and provided additional funds for graduate studies.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act (IDEA)

    The Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act (IDEA)
    This act was modified in 2004, and changes take affect in 2005. Includes modifications in IEP process, increased authority for school personnel in special education placement decisions, and alignment of IDEA with NCLB. Also requires school districts to use RTI approach for early identification of students at risk for specific learning disabilities.
  • Largest mass school closing in U.S. history

    Largest mass school closing in U.S. history
    The Chicago Board of Education votes to close 50 schools. Chicago teachers and other opponents state the closures disproportionately affect low income and minority students. Other cities who have also recently closed large numbers of public schools include Detroit, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C.
  • Proposal to offer two years of free community college

    Proposal to offer two years of free community college
    President Obama announces a plan to allow two years of free community college for all American students. This proposal has yet to be implemented.