History of Multicultural Education

  • Obtaining Higher Education

    Obtaining Higher Education
    The Higher Education Act is signed is Southwest Texas State College. This act increased higher federal aid for higher education, it provides scholarships, students loans, and creates the National Teacher Corparation.
  • The Rehabilitation Act

    The Rehabilitation Act
    This act became a law, yay! In section 504 of this act makes it so there are civil rights for people with disabilties. Accomidations have to be made in schools for these people.
  • Busing

    Federal Judge Arthur Garrity orders busing of African American to predomintaley white schools. He does this to obtain racial intergration. This was in Boston,MA, it made a lot of white parents mad.
  • Bilingual Education

    Bilingual Education
    The National Association of Bilingual Education is founded in 1975.
  • Homeschooling

    John Holt published a book called "Teach your own: A hopeful path for education" this book adds heat for the homeschooling movemnt.
  • Emergency Immiagration Education Act

    Emergency Immiagration Education Act
    This act helped provide services and lower the costs for school districts that had unexpected large groups of immigrant students.
  • Charter School

    Charter School
    Minnesota passes the first charter school law.
  • Nations first charter school

    Nations first charter school
    City Acedamey High school is the first charter school opened in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
  • The Higher Education Act

    The Higher Education Act
    The Higher Education Act is ammended making higher education for lower income students more attainable. This act provides more funds and grants while increaing responsilbilty/accountibilty.
  • Standardized Tests

    Standardized Tests
    150,000 parents in New York opt their kids out of standardized test taking.