Multicultural education

History of Multicultural Education

  • Engle v. Vitale

    Engle v. Vitale
    The 1962 case of Engle v. Vitale, the U.S. Supreme court ruled that it was unconstitutional for the state of New York to have an official school prayer in a public school at the beginning of the school day. This case impacted the multicultural education because some students may not want to participate in the prayers or don’t believe in god.
  • Coral Way Elementary School

    Coral Way Elementary School
    In 1963, Coral Way Elementary School in Dade County, Florida became the first public school to offer bilingual and bicultural education program where both English and Spanish speakers can attend. It was an impactful event because it accommodated the numerous Cuban refugees that migrated into Florida.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was made into law on July 2, 1964. The law prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. The law states that racial segregation in schools, employment, and public accommodations was prohibited. This impacted the educational system because it meant that black people could attend schools with whites and use public transportation and hold jobs that was previously only allowed to white people.
  • McCarver Elementary School, Tacoma Washington

    McCarver Elementary School, Tacoma Washington
    4In 1968, an elementary school in Tacoma, Washington became the first school to welcome students from all ethnic backgrounds to enroll into the school. As long as the student lives in the Tacoma area, no matter their social economical backgrounds and assigned school. McCarver Elementary School became known as the nation’s first “magnet school.” I live in Tacoma and this event was a positive change in our community. I currently have young relatives that attend this school.
  • Lau v. Nichols

    Lau v. Nichols
    In 1974, about 1,800 Chinese students in the San Francisco School System claim they did not receive supplemental course in the English Language due to discrimination. The Civil Right Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex or national origin. The Supreme Court agreed and found that students were denied the same opportunities to obtain an education given to other students in the same school system. This event impacted many Chinese immigrants.
  • The Refugee Act of 1980

    The Refugee Act of 1980
    In 1980, President Jimmy Carter signed a law into motion known as The Refugee Act. The law changed the previous immigration laws to allow refugees to resettle into the United States for humanitarian reasons. The goal was to help refugees to become self-sufficient after the war with Vietnam. It played a big role in helping people like my family and friends who was displaced after the war.
  • The American Disability Act

    The American Disability Act
    The American Disability Act was created in 1990 and is part of the civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on a person’s disability in all aspect including education. The law’s purpose is to provide protection to individuals with disability and to ensure that the person receive the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.
  • 9-11

    On September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda terrorist group hijacked four airplanes and crashed two of them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and one into the Pentagon. Due to interventions of passengers against the terrorist, the planed crashed in Pennsylvania. The aftermath brought on sadness, hatred, and anger. It brought on a lot of anti-middle eastern sentiment. Which made it difficult for people of that culture to be in public, attend schools and jobs.
  • International Association for K-12 Online Learning

    International Association for K-12 Online Learning
    International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) was created in 2003 to help improve student’s access to quality education through the online world. Their purpose is to drive the education system toward accelerate advancement of breakthrough practices and high-quality learning for all without attending a physical school. This event is beneficial for students who do not have access to transportation or who live in rural areas.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    Every Student Succeeds Act was a law signed by President Obama that was enacted by Congress. It replaced the No Child Left Behind Act that was previously enacted by Congress. Under the law, students will continue taking an annual test between third and eight grades. It also leaves more control on a state and district level instead of federal. This event effect many students and teachers.