History of Multicultural Education

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

    Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
    Nobel Prize winner and leader of the American Civil Rights Movement
  • Diana v. California State Board

    Diana v. California State Board
    1970 - The case of Diana v. California State Board results in new laws requiring that children referred for possible special education placement be tested in their primary language.
  • The Refugee Act

    The Refugee Act
    The Refugee Act of 1980 created The Federal Refugee Resettlement Program to provide for the effective resettlement of refugees and to assist them to achieve economic self-sufficiency as quickly as possible after arrival in the United States.
  • National Teachers Corps.

    National Teachers Corps.
    Teacher Corps was a program established by the United States Congress in the Higher Education Act of 1965 to improve elementary and secondary teaching in predominantly low-income areas.
  • Massachusetts Education Reform Act

    Massachusetts Education Reform Act
    The Massachusetts Education Reform Act requires a common curriculum and statewide tests (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System). As has often been the case, other states follow Massachusetts' lead and implement similar, high-stakes testing programs.
  • First Amendment

    First Amendment
    Ohio’s Pilot Project Scholarship Program gives educational choices to families in any Ohio school district that is under state control pursuant to a federal-court order.
  • Plyer v. Doe ruling

    Plyer v. Doe ruling
    Thursday Alabama became the first state in the nation to require public schools to check the immigration status of children when they enroll.
  • No Child Left Behind Act.

    No Child Left Behind Act.
    President Barack Obama announces on September 23 that the U.S. Department of Education is inviting each State educational agency to request flexibility regarding some requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.
  • William Glasser dies at age 88

    Dr. William Glasser, a psychiatrist who published more than two dozen books promoting his view that mental health is mostly a matter of personal choice, a precept that found a vast popular audience and influenced teachers, drug counselors and personal therapists, died on Aug. 23 in Los Angeles. He was 88.
  • More teacher layoffs in Chicago

    More teacher layoffs in Chicago
    Chicago Public Schools is laying off more than 1,000 people, the district announced Thursday.