History of Multicultural Education

  • The Equality of Educational Study

    The Equality of Educational Study
    This was a survey that was required by congress, so they could make educated decisions pertaining to new policies. This study made it possible to see what schools and children were faced with the most segregation and inequalities. This study suggest that equality "should be assessed by equality of outcome rather than equality of input".
  • Indian Education Act

    Indian Education Act
    The Indian Education Act focus on Native American students as well as Alaskan Native students. This act focuses on the aspects that these students have certain needs because they are culturally different. This legislation covers these students from pre-school all the way to college and wants involvement of these students in government. The legislation states that American has responsibility to take care of these students and provides services that aren't covered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
  • Case of Lau v. Nichols

    Case of Lau v. Nichols
    San Francisco school system did not provide english language programs to Chinese students which violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This was a form of discrimination in an institution that was receiving Federal financial assistance. This ruling decided that federal money needed to be spent on all students equally with no bias for discrimination.
  • Federal Judge Arthur Garrity orders busing

    Federal Judge Arthur Garrity orders busing
    This was on order to end segregation within white dominate schools by having students of color integrated to those schools. These students were bused to these white dominate schools in the Boston school system. This wasn't just students bused but teachers and administrators were reassigned.
  • Equal Educational Opportunities Act

    This act was to uphold the notion that each and every child has the chance to receive equal educational opportunities. This act focuses on kindergarten through 12th grade and those students who want to continue higher education. This act is designated to all students without discrimination or segregation because of ones background.
  • Emergency Immigration Education Act

    Emergency Immigration Education Act
    This was an act to help school and school districts who had large quantities of students who were immigrants. This was help in the form of money to help offset the cost of teaching immigrant students and training to teach immigrant students.
  • The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990

    The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990
    This act was to get immigrants from other countries into the United States by increasing the annual immigration acceptance number to 700,000. This was to add to the United States much more diversity within the nation by getting workers "work visas" to work in the united States.
  • Improving America's Schools Act

    Improving America's Schools Act
    This Act was actually signed by President Bill Clinton and was to increase funding for bilingual and immigrant learning within the school systems. This was to help retain a diverse background of students within the school systems.
  • Proposition 187

    Proposition 187
    This proposition denies funding and acceptance to immigrants within the California school systems. This proposition made it so that immigrants students could not receive public education and other benefits. This act was later overturned for being discriminatory to immigrant students. This was unconstitutional and violated previous federal laws.
  • James Banks' book, Multicultural Education: Transformative Knowledge and Action

    James Banks' book, Multicultural Education: Transformative Knowledge and Action
    This book suggest that it is imperative for scholarship in the field of multicultural education. This means that this multicultural movement stemmed from previous movements. These movements are usually to help empower multiculturalism within the school system through activist.
  • Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996

    Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996
    This signed in by President Bill Clinton to make it so that state universities couldn't just offer benefits based on in-state residency (in-state tuition) to immigrants. These benefits needed to be offered to any U.S. Citizen or national so that illegal immigrant could be offered the same benefits.