Civil Rights Act
The civil rights act was the first event that helped promote equal education amongst all people. It was also the beginning of very difficult times of oppression and discrimination. -
First Women to Hold Congress
Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm an African American educator is the women to hold a position congress. This marks a milestone as African Americans can now represent themselves in United States Politics. -
MLK Assination
The nation mourned on April 4th 1968 as MLK was assassinated. The nation still recognizes MLK day because of his work in the civil rights movement. -
Students Killed at Kent State
Four students were killed at Kent State in an Anti War Protest for Vietnam. The nation was shocked as The National Guard was responsible for the murders of the students. -
Michael Hart creates the first E-Book. Although it would take years for E-Books to catch on Michael created a whole generation of online learning. -
Indian Education Act
In 1971 the Indian Education Act was passed in order to give Native American and Alaskan students a better education. This act helped spread education throughout the United States to groups who hadn't yet received a comprehensive education. -
Equal Education Opportunities Act
This act helped give all learners an equal ability to receive an education regardless of race, religion or culture. This act is still in place today. -
Education of all Handicapped Children Act
This act that was created in 1975 helped guarantee a free public education to all students regardless of disabilities. This was important because education for special needs students before this were scattered and this act helped bring a standard to students with disabilities. -
Why Johnny Can't Write
This news story helped create a national debate on literacy. It helped a "Back to Basics" approach and gave students new standards too meet. -
Apple computers has one of the first successful computers for personal use. This created a whole brand that is still widely used today.