History of Microbiology

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    History of Microbiology

  • Robert Hooke discovered that all living things were composed of cells

  • The first microbes were observed

    The first microbes were observed
  • Louis Pasteur discovers microbial fermentation

    Louis Pasteur discovers microbial fermentation
  • Rudolf Virchow said cells arise from preexisting cells

  • Louis Pasteur develops the S-shaped flask

  • Louis Pasteur demonstrated that microorganisms are present in the air

    Louis Pasteur demonstrated that microorganisms are present in the air
  • Louis Pasteur disproves spontaneous generation

    Louis Pasteur disproves spontaneous generation
  • Joseph Lister pioneered aseptic surgery

  • Robert Koch proved that a bacterium causes anthrax and provided Koch's postulates to prove that specific microbes cause specific diseases

  • Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin

    Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin