4000 BCE
primitive time
-People believed that demons caused diseases and illness.
-They did ceremonies to help "cure" them
-They used Trepanation to help people. this is taking part of the skull of their head.
-average age of death was 20 -
3000 BCE
Ancient Egypt
-They used bloodletting and leaches to help get rid of illness it did not work.
-They thought the blood had been possessed by demons so they tried to get rid of them.
-20-30 years life expectancy -
1700 BCE
Ancient Chinese
-Believed in the need to treat the whole body by curing the spirit and nourishing the body
-Used acupuncture and herbs to cure diseases.
-Started searching for reasons for illness.
-Life expectancy 20-30 -
1200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
-They had a god named Hippocrates and other physicians
-Believed illness was a natural cause.
-Used therapy like art, massage, and herbal treatment.
-They had a diet, and good hygiene, and learned that exercise was a way to prevent disease.
-Average life span was 25-35 years -
753 BCE
Ancient Romans
-Had the first organized medical care that was used for treating injured soldiers.
- Had the first public health and sanitation systems by building sewers and aqueducts.
-They believed that there were four body humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile.
-Life span was 25-35 years -
Dark Ages
-They banned studies of medicine and saving the soul.
-They prayed for people's illnesses and diseases to go away.
-Monks and priests provide custodial care for sick people
-life span was 20-30 years -
Middle Ages
-1100: Arabs had people test for their medical license.
-1346-1353: The Black Plague kills 75% of the population.
1220-1255: Medical Universities were established
-The average life span was 20-35 years -
-Allowed to study me
-Started body dissection which helped with learning anatomy and physiology.
-1440: The invention of the printing press helped spread medical documents and found them easier.
-1543: The first anatomy book is published
-life span 30-40 -
15th and 16th centenary
-1500s: French surgeon made and used ligatures to stop bleeding
-1600s: Early pharmacists made, prescribed, and sold medications to people.
-1670: The creation of the microscope, helped people find out about why we get diseases.
-Life span 35-45 -
Creation of the Thermometer
Invention of Bifocals
-Done by Benjamin Franklin -
Smallpox vaccine discovered
-Around this time life span was 40-50 -
Invention of Stethoscope
Formal training for nurses began
-Life span 50-60 years. -
First Open Heart Surgery
X-Ray Machine Developed
ABO blood groups discovered
Found out how white blood cells protect against disease -
Insulin discovered and used to treat diabetes and Antibiotics developed to fight infections (penicillin)
-Structure of DNA discovered and research in gene therapy begins -
new Machine inventions
-1943: Kidney Dialysis Machine
-1953: Heart Lung Machine
-Surgical and diagnostic techniques developed to cure once-fatal conditions -
Targeted Cancer Therapies
-Interfere with the spread of cancer by blocking cells involved in tumor growth.
-Identify and kill the cancer cells. -
Test tube babies
Organ Transplant
Organ Transplants
1960: Kidney
1963: Liver
1967: Heart
1982: Artificial Heart -
Smoke Free laws
Advances in HIV Medication
Human Genome Project
Diptheria – 1921
Tuberculosis – 1925
Pertussis – 1927
Typhus – 1937
Influenza – 1945
Oral Polio – 1962
Measles – 1963
Mumps – 1967
Rubella – 1970
Chicken Pox – 1974
Streptococcus Pneumonia – 1977
Meningitis – 1978
Hepatitis B – 1981
Hepatitis A – 1992
Lyme Disease – 1998
Rotavirus - 1998
Malaria- 2015