smallpox vaccine
Edward Jenner tested the hypothesis that infection with cowpox could protect a person from smallpox infection. -
smallpox vaccine is brought to US
Benjamin Waterhouse, a Harvard professor of medicine, performed the first U.S. vaccinations on his children -
Cholera pandemic begins
Beginning in 1817, a series of deadly cholera pandemics swept over India, Asia, and the rest of the world. -
smallpox mortality falls
In 1820, the deaths from smallpox dropped to 7858, the had gone down in the last decade, from being 18447 -
First laboratory vaccine
Pasteur produced the first laboratory-developed vaccine: the vaccine for chicken cholera. -
studying on rabies begins
Pasteur began careful work on rabies, attempting to infect other animals with rabies and identify the site and cause of infection. -
the vaccine controversy
The Anti-Vaccination League of America held its first meeting in New York. They believed that smallpox was spread through filth and not contagion. This became a popular, though incorrect, argument of anti-vaccinationists. -
Rabies vaccine used on human
Pasteur successfully prevented rabies in nine-year-old Joseph Meister by post-exposure vaccination. -
cholera vaccine
Spanish physician Jaime Ferrán developed a cholera vaccine. His vaccine was the first to immunize humans against a bacterial disease. -
advances in vaccine production
English physician S. Monkton Copeman improved the vaccine