4000 BCE
Primitive Times
- Diseases were believed to be caused by evil spirits & demons as punishment from the gods
- Witch doctors treated diseases
- Herbs and plants used as medicine
- Trepanation (Surgically removing piece of bone from skull)
- Average life span was 20 years
3000 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
- Physicians were priests
- Health records first recorded by ancient Egyptians
- Leeches and Bloodletting used as medical treatment
- Average life span was 20-30 years
- Physicians were priests
1700 BCE
Ancient Chinese
- Believed in treatment by nourishment and curing the spirit
- Recorded a book of medicines based on the use of herbs
- Used acupuncture therapy
- Began searching for medical reasons for sickness
- Average life span was 20-30 years
- Believed in treatment by nourishment and curing the spirit
1200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
- Hippocrates and other physicians
- First to observe human body, effects of disease
- Led to modern medical science
- Believed death of illness was natural causes
- Diet, hygiene and exercise prevented disease *Used massage, art therapy, herbal treatment
- First to observe human body, effects of disease
- Average life span was 25-35 years
- Hippocrates and other physicians
753 BCE
Ancient Romans
- First to organize medical care by providing for injured soldiers
- Hospitals were religious and charitable institutions
- First public health and sanitation systems
- Galen established belief that the body was regulated by four body humors
- blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile
- Life span was 25-35 years
Dark ages
- Emphasis on saving the soul
- Study of medicine was prohibited
- Prayer and intervention were used to treat illness/disease
- Monks and priests provided care for the ill
- Mainly herbal medicine
- Disease blamed on circumstance, no understanding
- Average life span 20-30 years
- Emphasis on saving the soul
Middle Ages
- New interest in medical practices of Greek and Romans *1100: Arabs began requiring physicians pass tests and have licenses *1346-1353: Bubonic Plague wiped out 75% of population in Europe and Asia *1220-1255: Medical Universities were established
- Average life span was 20-35 years