10,000 BCE
primitive times / the stone age
- early humans lived in caves or simple huts, tepees, and hunted for everything
- they used stone, and bones as tools to hunt for their food.
- they were the first to leave behind art
- they would mix bone meal, charcoal into water, and then add in minerals, tree sap, animals, and blood
- they ate woolly mammoth, deer, and bison by creating fire and cooking them.
- the end of the primitive times also ended the last ice age, which then led to extinction of larger mammals.
3000 BCE
ancient Egyptians
- physicians were priests
- leeches were used as medical treatment
- no one lived past 20-30 years
- they practiced medicine with highly professional methods
- advanced knowledge of the body, and how to preform surgery
- they were also good at diagnosing cancer and other things such as diabetes as well
- they didn't have a very good contrast between magic and medicine
- they thought that a persons well being was a result of who well they knew they universe.
1200 BCE
ancient greek medicine
- first to observe the human body and the effects of disease.
- the believed that healing came from the gods.
- the amount of medical acre you got was dependent on the amount of wealth that you had.
- the god Aesculapius was considered a "dispenser" of healing.
- they really didn't have any actual medicine they mostly used the spirit's to heal them,
- diet and hygiene and exercise as supposedly a way to cure disease.
753 BCE
ancient roman medicine
-first to organised medical care (provided for solders with injuries)
- first public health and sanitation systems by building g sewers and aqueducts.
- extracted juices from plants, crushed herbs and powders spices.
- were most known for natural substances.
- also known for the first surgeries. most were not successful.
- doctors today learn from doctors back then with their surgical doings. -
dark ages AD 400- AD 800
- saved the soul and the study of medicine
- prayer and divine intentions were used to treat illness and disease
- monks and priests provided care for many of the sick people.
- average life span for people living in the dark ages was 20-30 years.
- medications were mostly herbal mixtures
middle ages
- bubonic plague wiped out more than half the population
- average life span was 20-35 years.
- medical universitys were just now being built.
- rebirth of science of medicine
- first anatomy book was published
- average life span was 30-40 years
- still none knew what the major cause for disease was.
20th century
- ABO blood groups were discovered
- new machines were developed
- structure of DNA discovered and research in gene therapy started
- Kidney dialysis machine
- antibiotics developed to help fight off infections
20th century continued
- first bone marrow transplant
- test tube babies
- organ transplants liver heart kidney
20-21st century
- smoke free laws
- advanced HIV medicine
- stem cell research
- laraposcopic surgurey