4000 BCE
Primitive Times
-Illnesses and diseases were caused by evil spirits and demons
-To treat the illness, tribal which doctors would preform ceremonies
-medicine was used by herbs and plants such as morphine and digitalis
-They would surgically remove a piece of bone from the skull to let the evil spirit out -
3000 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
-Physicians were priests
-For a medical treatment they would use bloodletting or leaches -
1700 BCE
Ancient Chinese
-For treating the body, they thought they could cure it by curing the spirit and nourishing the body
-Mainly used herbs for medication and used acupuncture
-Instead of thinking about evil spirits punishing the body, they began to seek for medical issues for the illness -
1200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
-Hippocrates (also known as the Father of Medicine) are the first to look at the human body and see what is going on
-Trusted that illnesses come from natural causes and used massages and other therapies such as art therapy and used herbal treatments -
753 BCE
Ancient Romans
-Providing for injured soldiers is where medical care originated
-Galen believed that the body was regulated by different humors and some sicknesses were caused by those humors -
Dark Ages
-Treated illnesses and diseases by prayer and divine intervention
-Herbal mixtures were used as medication -
Middle Ages
-Went back to medical practices of Greeks and Romans
-Arabs needed a licence to be a physician
-Bubonic Plague and other major diseases killed over 75% of the population on Europe and Asia -
-Went back to the Science of Medicine
-Started Body Dissections and they understood the physiology and anatomy
-1440: Printing press was invented and that got all the medical knowledge out
-1543: First Anatomy book was made by Andreas Vasalius -
16th and 17th Centuries
- Ambroise Pare, who was a French surgeon, established the use of ligatures to stop bleeding -Apothecaries made prescribed medications -1670, the microscope was invented and had a huge advancement in health care
18th Century
1714: First mercury thermometer was created by Gabriel Fahrenheit
1760: Bifocals invented by Benjamin Franklin
1778: Feeding tube and Scientific surgical procedures created by John Hunter
1798: Smallpox vaccine discovered -
19th Century
-1895: X-Ray machine advancement
-1893: First Open Heart Surgery
-1816: Stethoscope invented
-1860: Nurse training began (women became active in health care) -
20th Century
-1901: ABO blood groups discovered
-1922: New medicines like Antibiotics developed to fight off infections
-Machines developed like the Kidney Dialysis Machine and Heart Lung Machine
-1953: Structure of DNA found and research in gene therapy starts
-1956: First Bone Marrow Transplant
-1978: Test tube for babies
- Organ transplants like the kidney, heart, liver, artificial heart -
20th-21st Century
-1910: Laparoscopic Surgery
-1970's: Cancer Therapies Targeted
-1990: Smoke free laws
-1996: HIV medications advanced
-1999: Rapid advances in Stem Cell Research -
20th Century Vaccines
-1921: Diphtheria -1970: Rubella
-1925: Tuberculosis -1974: Chicken Pox
-1927: Pertussis -1977: Streptococcus Pneumonia
-1937: Typhus -1978: Meningitis
-1945: Influenza -1981: Hepatitis B
-1962: Oral Polio -1992: Hepatitis A
-1963: Measles -1998: Lyme Disease
-1967: Mumps -1998: Rota-virus -
21st Century
-2001: First implanted artificial heart
-2003: Human Genome Project Completed
-2005: Face Transplant
-2015: Malaria and Ebola