4000 BCE
Primative Times
- Illness and Disease were punishment from the gods or caused by demons
- Witch doctors treated illnesses with ceremonies
- Trepanation or trephining was used. This is where they would sergically remove a piece of bone from their skull.
- Average live span was 20 years Bonus:
- People belived that the body was a system of channels with things such as air and tears. They would use leeches or bloodletting if they became "clogged"
3000 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
- Physicians were all priests
- Bloodletting and leeches were also used as medical treatment
- Life span was 20-30 years Bonus:
- Ancient Egyptians could diagnose diabetes and cancer
1700 BCE
Ancient Chinese
- Believed in curing the whole body
- Believed you could cure the spirit and nourish your body
- Herbs were used as medications
- Began to search for reasons of medical illness
- Life span was 20-30 years Bonus:
- We still use acupuncture to this day
1200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
- Hippocrates was concidered the father of medicine as he was one of the first to observe the human body and the effects of diseases
- Hippocrates believed that illness is a result of natural causes
- Physicians believed in therapies such as massage, and stressed diet, hygiene and exercise as ways to prevent disease Bonus:
- For chest diseases they would take barley soup, vinegar, and honey to bring up the phlegm
753 BCE
Ancient Romans
- They were the first to provide care to injured soldiers
- Hospitals were religious institutions
- First to build sewers in, to prevent disease
- Four body humors; blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile
- Life span was 25-35 years Bonus:
- They would use vinegar to clean up wounds
Dark Ages
- Saving the soul was emphisized
- Study of medicine was prohibited
- Prayer and divine intervention were used to treat illness and disease
- Monks and priests acted as doctors for sick people
- Medications were mainly herbal
- Life span was 20-30 Bonus:
- Headache and aching joins were treated with sweet-smelling herbs
Middle Ages
- Intrest in Greek and Roman studies were brought back
- 1100: Arabs would use examinations to choose doctors
- 1346-1353: Bubonic plague killed 75% of population
- Medical Universities were established
- Life span was 20-35 years Bonus:
- Coriander was used to reduce fever
- Science of Medicine was brought back
- DIssections of the diseased led to more understanding of human anatomy and physiology
- 1440: The printing press helped spread medical knowledge
- Life span was 30-40 years Bonus:
- People would grow gardens with mint for help with stomach aches
16th and 17th centuries
- Understanding of the human body was immmensly increased
- 1500's: Ambroise Pare invented the use of ligatures to stop bleeding
- 1600's: Early phamacists known as apothecaries made, prescibed, and sold medications
- 1670: Microscope was invented
- Life span was 35-45 years Bonus:
- Some medicines that they used were dangerous because they contained lead or mercury
18th Century
- 1714: First mercury themometer was created
- 1760: Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals
- 1778: The use of tube feeding was introdused
- 1798: Smallpox vaccine was found
- Life span was 40-50 years Bonus:
- Aspirin was and still is the most used medicine
19th Century
- 1895: X-Ray Machine Invented
- 1893: The first open heart surgery
- 1816: Stethoscope was invented
- 1860: Nurses began to train formally
- Life span 40-60 years Bonus:
- Due to advancements of the microscope we learned about germs and cells
- 1895: X-Ray Machine Invented
20th Century
- 1901: Learned different blood groups, and how white blood cells fight disease
- 1922: Insulin to fight diabetes was discovered
- 1928: Penicillin was discovered to fight infections
- 1953: DNA was discovered Inventions:
- 1943: Kidney Dialysis Machine
- 1953: Heart Lung Machine
- 1910: Laparoscopic Surgery
- 1970: Targeted Cancer Therapies
- 1990: Smoke Free Laws
- 1999: Stem Cell Reseach Advancements
20th Century Continued
First Transplants:
- 1956: First Bone Marrow
- 1960: Kidney
- 1963: Liver
- 1967: Heart
- 1982: Artificial Heart
Major Vaccines:
- 1921: Tuberculosis
- 1945: Influenza
- 1963: Measles
- 1974: Chicken Pox
- 1981-1992: Hapatitis A & B
- 1996: HIV Medication Advancements
- The risks of smoking were seen in 1950, but nothing was done until 1990. -
21st Century
- 2001: The very first completely implatable artificial heart was placed in a human
- 2003: Human Genome Project was Completed; this mapped out human diseases
- 2005: The first face transplants Major Vaccines:
- 2006: HPV
- 2015: Malaria
- 2015: Ebola Bonus:
- We now have Electronic Health Records, which allow all doctors to have your exact medical history