4000 BCE
Primitive Times
Illness was from evil spirits and Gods.
Witch doctors cured illnesses.
Herbs and plants are used as medicine.
The average lifespan was 20 years -
3000 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
Physicians were priests
Bloodletting with leeches
The average lifespan was 20-30 years -
1700 BCE
Ancient Chinese
Needed to treat the whole body.
Began to search for medical reasons for illnesses.
The average life span is 20-30 years. -
1200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
Many new famous physicians.
Used good diets and exercise to prevent diseases
The average lifespan was 25-35 years -
753 BCE
Ancient Romans
First to give injured soldiers medical care.
First public health and sanitation systems.
Life span was 25-35 years -
Dark Ages
Studying medicine was prohibited
Praying would prevent disease
Monks and priests treated the sick
The average 20-30 years -
Middle Ages
Renewed interest in medical practices
Arabs began medical licenses
Bubonic plague killed 75% of Europe
The average lifespan was 20-35 years -
Rebirth of science and medicine
Body dissections led to a better understanding of the body
Invention of the printing press
The average lifespan was 30-40 years -
16th and 17th centuries
Knowledge of the body greatly increased
Ligatures to stop bleeding invented
Invention of the microscope
The ability to see germs was a HUGE advancement -
18th Century
Creation of the thermometer
Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals
Smallpox Vaccine
The average lifespan was 40-50 -
19th Century
Rapid advancements due to the discoveries of microorganisms and vaccines
First open heart surgery
Invention of the stethoscope
The average lifespan was 40-60 years -
20th Century
ABO blood groups discovered
Insulin discovered
Antibiotics developed
The heart-lung machine invented
Structure of DNA discovered -
20th Century Cont.
First bone marrow transplant
Test tube babies
Organ transplants -
21st Century
The first totally implantable artificial heart was placed in a patient in Louisville, Ky.
Face Transplants