4000 BCE
primitive times
✰ illness and disease were caused by evil spirits and a punishment from the gods.
✰they used ceremonies and herbs to heal the diseased people.
✰ they also tried to remove pieces of skull from the head to heal them. -
3000 BCE
ancient egyptains
✰ the only physicians they had where the priests
✰ they used leeches as a form of medicine
✰life span was 20-30 years -
1200 BCE
ancient greek
✰ first to observe the human body and the affects of disease
✰believed illness was a result of natural causes
✰ lifespan was 25-35 years -
ancient chinese
✰they believed to treat the body they had to release all the spirits
✰ they began to search for causes of illnesses
✰ the life span was 20-30 -
ancient romans
✰ first to organize medical care by providing care for injured soldiers
✰ first public healthcare and sanitation system by building sewers and aqueducts
✰ lifespan- 25-35 years -
dark ages
✰ emphasis on saving the soul
✰ prayers were used to treat illnesses
✰ used herbs and medication
✰lifespan 20-30 years -
middle ages
✰ renewed interest in medical practices done by the Greeks and Romans
✰1100 Arabs begin requiring physicians to pass a exam before continuing medical practices
✰1346- 1353- the bubonic plague killed 75% of the population
✰lifespan 20-35 years -
established ligatures
in 1500 a french surgeon named Ambroise Pare established using ligatures to stop bleeding. -
selling medicine
in 1600 Apothecaries (early pharmacists), made, prescribed and sold medication -
✰rebirth of science and medicine
✰body dissections led to better understanding of anatomy and physiology
✰ invention of the printing press led to more medical knowledge being shared
✰ in 1543 the first anatomy book was published
✰ disease was STILL a mystery
✰ lifespan was 30-40 years -
invention of the microscope!!!
in 1670 the microscope was invented which was a huge advancement because they started to be able to see the disease-causing organisms
the lifespan is now 35 to 45 years!! -
first thermometer!!
in 1714 Gabriel Fahrenheit created the very first mercury thermometer -
in 1760 Benjamin Franklin created the first bifocals -
tube feeding
in 1778 john hunter established scientific surgical procedures and introduced tube feeding -
smallpox vaccine!!
in 1798 the smallpox vaccine was discovered
the lifespan increased to 40-50 years! -
invention of the stethoscope
in 1813 the stethescope was invented -
training to become a nurse
in 1860 they started formal training for nurses -
first open heart surgery
in 1893 they attempted the very first open heart surgery -
first x-ray machine!!
in 1895 the very first x-ray machine was invented -
difference in blood groups were discovered
in 1901 they realized everyones blood was a different type -
first laparoscopic surgery
in 1910 they preformed the first laparoscopic surgery -
insulin was discovered and used to treat diabetes
in 1922 they discovered insulin and began to treat diabetes -
diptheria vaccine
in 1921 they created the diptheria vaccine -
tuberculosis vaccine
in 1925 they created the tuberculosis vaccine -
pertussis vaccine
in 1927 they came out with the pertussis vaccine -
antibiotics were discovered to fight infections
in 1928 they discovered penicillin to fight off infections -
typhus vaccine
in 1937 they came out with the typhus vaccine -
kidney dialysis machine discovered
in 1943 they started using a kidney dialysis machine to treat kidney failure -
influenza vaccine
in 1945 they came out with the influenza vaccine -
heart lung machine discovered
in 1953 they started using a heart and lung machine to improve heart and lung function -
structure of DNA discovered
in 1953 they discovered the structure in DNA and gene therapy research begins -
first bone marrow transplant
in 1956 the first bone marrow transplant was preformed -
kidney transplant
in 1960 they did the first sucsessful kidney transplant -
oral polio vaccine
in 1962 they invented the oral polio vaccine -
liver transplant
in 1963 they preformed the first successful liver transplant -
measles vaccine
in 1963 they came out with the measles vaccine -
first heart transplant
in 1967 they did the first heart transplant -
mumps vaccine
in 1967 they came out with the mumps vaccine -
rubella vaccine
in 1970 they came out with the rubella vaccine -
targeted cancer therapies
in the 1970s they started doing targeted cancer therapies -
chicken pox vaccine
in 1974 they came out with the chicken pox vaccine -
Streptococcus Pneumonia vaccine
in 1977 they came out with the Streptococcus Pneumonia vaccine -
test tube babies
in 1978 they created the first test tube baby -
Meningitis vaccine
in 1978 they came out with the Meningitis vaccine -
Hepatitis B vaccine
in 1981 they came out with the Hepatitis B vaccine -
first artificial heart transplant
in 1982 they did the very first artificial heart transplant -
smoke free laws
in 1990 they passes a smoke free law to keep people from smoking in public areas -
Hepatitis A vaccine
in 1992 they came out with the Hepatitis A vaccine -
advances in HIV medication
in 2996 they advanced the HIV vaccine -
Lyme diseasw
in 1998 they came out with a vaccine for Lyme disease -
in 1998 they came out with the rotavirus vaccine -
stem cell research
in 1999 the stem cell research skyrocketed -
the first artificial heart transplant
in 2001 they successfully transferred a artificial heart into a living person -
human genome project completed
in 2003 the human genome project where they mapped out different types of autoimmune diseases was completed -
face transplant
in 2005 they successfully completed the first face transplant -
HPV vaccine released
in 2006 the HPV vaccine was released -
ebola vaccine
in 2015 the Ebola vaccine was released -
malaria vaccine released
in 2015 they released the malaria vaccine