History of medicine- Katie McCabe

  • 4000 BCE

    Primitive times

    Primitive times
    -Illnesses were caused by evil spirits and were a punishment from the gods (didn't give the right goat to the right god= why you're sick)
    -Tribal doctors treated illnesses with ceremonies
    -Herbs and plants used in medicine (morphine and dialysis)- an ancient Greek goddess has opium/poppy capsules in her hair and her eyes are closed as a sign of sedation.
    -Trepanation or trephining (surgically removing a part of the skull) This was used to release the demons that plagued the sick
    -Av. life 20
  • 300 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    -Physicians were priests (this is because they thought that disease was caused by the gods and the priests were chosen by the gods so they could help)
    -they were the first people to make records for medicine
    -Bloodletting and leaches were used as a form of treatment (this became very popular)
    -Ave. life span 30 years
  • 220 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    -believed in healing the body by healing the whole spirit
    -had a pharmacy like business that recorded their use of herbs
    -they also did acupuncture witch is where our present day acupuncture comes from
    -began to search for medical reason as to why illnesses occur
    -Ave. life span 30 years
  • 200 BCE

    Ancient greeks

    -Hippocrates and other physicians are here!
    -first to observe the human body(biopsy's) this led to modern medicine sciences.
    -Believed illnesses were caused by natural beings rather than the gods.
    -Therapies such as massage, art therapy, and herbal treatment
    -art therapy was a way of using the arts as a way to heal the mind
    -they stressed a healthy diet, exercise and hygiene
    - ave. lifespan 25-35 years
  • 410

    Ancient romans

    Ancient romans
    -organized medical care by doing so for injured soldiers.

    -hospitals were held at religious places
    -this is because the pope held all the power in Rome
    -sanitation systems, aqueducts and sewers.
    -the four body humors; blood (caused by lust), phlegm (caused by anger), black bile (caused by slow response), and yellow bile (caused by depression)
    -ave life 25-35
  • 800

    Dark ages

    Dark ages
    -they went backwards and went more towards demons and ghosts
    -study of medicine was prohibited
    -thoughts and prayers were used as treatment
    -monks provided custodial care for people
    -mainly herb treatment
    -ave. life 20-30 years
  • 1440

    Middle ages

    Middle ages
    -Back to interest in medical practice.
    -1100 Arabs began demanding a test pass and obtaining a license to practice medicine.
    -1346-1353- Bubonic plague killed 75% of the population in Europe and Asia.
    -It spread so fast because of the close contact with rats, if humans were cleaner back then it would not have spread so much
    -the major diseases were
    smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, the plague,and malaria.
    1220-1255- first medical universities.
    -ave. life 20-35
  • Renaissance

    -Rebirth of medicine as well as art
    -the first body dissection led to huge medical breakthrough
    -1440- the invention of the printing press- this led to the spread of medical knowledge
    -1543-first anatomy book published- Andreas Vesalius
    -disease still a mystery
    -ave. life span 30-40
  • 16th and 17th centuries

    16th and 17th centuries
    -knowledge of the human body greatly advanced
    -1500's- Ambrosia Pare, invents ligatures to stop bleeding
    -1600's- early pharmacists made, sold, and prescribed medications
    -1670's- invention of the microscope
    -it used two lenses and could magnify 20-30 times larger
    -this helped scientists see the disease causing organism
    -cause of disease still not known
    -ave. Life span 35-45 years
  • 18th centuries

    18th centuries
    -1714-Gabriel Fahrenheit created the mercury thermometer
    -1760:Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals
    -1778:John Hunter established scientific surgical procedures and introduced tube feeding(through the nose and is used for people who cannot swallow or are not getting enough nutrition)
    -1798:Smallpox vaccine discovered
    -the smallpox vaccine was discovered when someone took the puss from a cow pox sore and injected it into a boy, then they gave him smallpox.
    -Ave. life span 40-50
  • 19th century

    19th century
    -Rapid advancements due to discoveries of microorganisms, anesthesia, and vaccinations
    -1895: X-Ray Machine Developed
    -1893: First Open Heart Surgery
    Infection control developed once microorganisms were associated with disease
    -1816: Invention of the stethoscope
    -1860: Formal training for nurses began
    Women became active participants in health care
    Average life span 40-60 years
  • 20th century

    20th century
    • ABO blood groups discovered Found out how white blood cells protect against disease
    • Insulin discovered and used to treat diabetes -Antibiotics developed to fight infections
    • Kidney Dialysis Machine
    • Heart Lung Machine Surgical and diagnostic techniques developed to cure once fatal conditions
    • Structure of DNA discovered and research in gene therapy begins -First Bone Marrow Transplant -Test tube babies -Organ Transplants, Kidney, Liver,Heart -Artificial Heart -16 new vaccines
  • 21th century

    21th century
    Laparoscopic Surgery
    Targeted Cancer Therapies
    Smoke Free Laws
    Advances in HIV Medication
    Rapid advances in Stem Cell Research
    The first totally implantable artificial heart was placed in a patient in Louisville, Ky. In
    2003: Human Genome Project Completed
    Face Transplants
    HPV (Human Papillomavirus Vaccine)
    Malaria and Ebola vaccines